Monday, May 31, 2010
Second, I haven't seen momma bird since the day she came back... I fear that the egg is an orphan...
Third, and this pertains to my post title, DIY is not my strong point... I am much better at designing something than trying to make it actually come to fruition...
That's where Mr. SP comes in... He got the build~it gene...
I wanted to finish the exterior of the GARDEN COTTAGE yesterday and well let's just say Mr. SP didn't... So I thought I could do it myself... I was just patting myself on the back after finishing the project and thinking "hey that wasn't so hard after all" when Mr. SP appeared and announced that...
On race day no less...
Of course I said "well you should have helped me and it wouldn't have happened".
The cable company couldn't come out til Tuesday... I wasn't sweating it...
You see, Mr. SP has amnesia about this but it's not the first time this has happened... And I knew he could fix it... And with a race on tv, it was just a matter of time...
You see I'm posting right? Case closed...
Smashing Glass!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Basement Bathroom
Stylist - Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith Publications
For those of you who have been followers for a while, you might recognize this story as a rerun of an article which appeared in the winter 2009 edition of Better Homes and Gardens’ Kitchen and Bath Makeovers.
Stylist - Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith Publications
This bathroom was part of an overall basement remodel which also included a sitting area, bedroom and storage.
Stylist - Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith Publications
We wanted a space which would be suitable for guests as well as serve the needs of our family. Although this bathroom is a fairly small space, we took our time planning out every detail. We began by listing everything we wanted, regardless of cost.
Stylist - Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith Publications
This helped us decide what was most important and where we could save money. One of the compromises we made was the shower. Our first choice was a tiled shower, complete with glass doors. Because this is a guest bathroom, we opted instead for a shower insert surrounded by tile and a shower curtain I made from Amy Butler fabric and quilting fabric.
We also stayed on budget by purchasing the hexagon marble floor tiles from Ebay and the towel bar, faucet, and medicine cabinet on sale from Restoration Hardware.
Stylist - Donna Talley - Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith Publications
Stylist - Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith Publications
Overall, we have remained very pleased with our choices. Our family and friends seem to always ask if they can stay longer the next time they come. I guess this means all our patience and planning were well worth the effort!
Friday, May 28, 2010
My favourite place....
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The fruits of my labour!

I've done it! And just in time for Strawberry season too! This is my first knitting project ever - well, unless you count the skinny scarf type efforts of my very young years. It was with a lot of trepidation that I embarked on this project - eagerly encouraged by Nicola who, I have to say, is just totally inspirational and without whom I would never have attempted it! There were a couple of panic phone calls along the way, just to check that I was doing things right, but here it is....and I am so proud of myself!
From comments both in the studio and on the blog, I think there will be a lot more strawberries popping up before long - it just cheers you up doesn't it? And knowing I've made it myself just makes it so much more special! I think I may just make another one.....or two.....
I just had to include the picture of my westie, who's a bit of an attention seeker - he couldn't resist getting in on the act when I was taking these pictures - spot the tea-cosy in the background!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Yarn, yarn, yarn.

It's been an exciting week, Beth finished her first knitting project - a really snuggly cushion made up of swatches of knitting, all with different stitch patterns. What is she going to make next?
I also wanted to show you this lovely photo of yarn from The Gedgrave Flock, it is so soft. Tracy looks after the wensleydale sheep with her husband over at Gedgrave, just outside Orford in Suffolk. We sell her yarns at Halfpenny Home and I can't wait for her to not be so busy so she can come and visit.
On Saturday we had the first Tunisian Crochet session with Lesley and Jeanette bravely tackling this unusual technique which is a bit like a cross between knitting and crochet. You can see our back garden through the open door, this is where we will be holding monthly Craft and Vintage Fairs throughout the summer starting on the 19th June. Cakes of the week are Coffee and Walnut and Toffee Fudge.
I had taken a lunch break while he went to meet his boss to get the plans for a job he's off to do later today, and had gone back out to the cottage to wait for him to return. I am thrilled beyond words to report that sitting on the egg in the nest that I rescued yesterday was a beautiful dove!
She came back! The baby has a chance! The power of motherly love at work.
She flew away but I'm hoping now that the activity has ceased she will come back. I'll be keeping a watchful eye out for her.
Thanks for all your warm thoughts on the previous post about the egg and the nest. So many kind people in bloglandia...
And because some of you are wondering when you can see the finished cottage, here's a teeny peek...
This is the reflection from an old accordian mirror that I hung inside the cottage...
Soon, I promise...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pretty Finds
I thought I'd share with you a few of the pretty things I found when out bargain hunting at the weekend!
Firstly, these pretty double handled bone china cups, which are so delicate - I thought they'd look lovely planted up with some pretty little violas or something similar - they would also make great containers for making candles too! And then I came across the little pressed glass sundae dishes - my immediate thought was to fill them with some of my most special buttons to have on show, but they would also be lovely with a tiny flower or herb arrangement. They too could also be used as candle containers filled with candle wax. So many ideas! Simple pleasures are just the best.
I also found a lovely selection of art prints - I've shown just a section from one of them. I don't know what I'll do with them yet but I couldn't resist - just lovely!
I swear there's a post coming any day now about it...
I had walked past a secret that nature left me about twenty times when I finally noticed this...
A sweet little nest inside a rusty sconce that flanks one side of the door into the cottage...
But then I noticed this... Do you see it?
The egg had fallen out of the nest and wedged between a garden pot that the nest is built on top of and the sconce... What to do, what to do?
I know you aren't supposed to touch the egg, but I thought the egg had no chance where it was and maybe the mama has even abandoned it already...
So I carefully lifted the nest and pot trying ever so hard to touch the nest as little as possible... Then using a plastic spoon I lifted the egg and place it back inside the nest where the mama left it.
I hope she comes back and thinks something magic has happened... I wonder if she is somewhere fretting over her lost baby... Do birds fret?
I'll be keeping an eye on the egg now... Let's keep our fingers crossed...
How to Whiten Ironstone
Although it was somewhat discolored (not the worst I have seen), I thought it was a great bargain. It was also the perfect price for attempting Pam Stamey’s simple three step process for whitening ironstone. (July/August 2001 edition Country Home magazine)
What I Did:
#1 - Soak ironstone in clear water for 24 hours.
#2 – While wearing heavy-duty rubber gloves, fill a tub with 40-percent clear peroxide. (I purchased mine at Sally Beauty Supply for $5 a bottle.) Place ironstone in the peroxide, making sure the entire piece is submerged. Pam recommends letting the ironstone soak for 5 to 7 days.
#3 – Preheat an electric oven to 250 degrees. (Do not use a gas oven.) Put ironstone in the oven for about 20 minutes. Pam bakes her pieces on glass plates. I used a cookie tray lined with parchment paper.
The brown color should rise to the surface (which it did on my platter). Remove from oven. Let cool. Wash in hot soapy water.
Final Results:
You can see from the pictures below this process really works. Most of the large brown spots have disappeared and the platter is much whiter.
What I learned:
Since this is such an easy process, I won’t be passing up ironstone that is significantly discolored any more.
Although my results were not as dramatic as the Country Home picture shown above - my platter still had a few brown marks - it was definitely a lot whiter and brighter.
I am looking forward to trying Pam’s method for repairing chipped and cracked ironstone - as soon as I find an appropriate piece of china.
The saleswoman at the beauty supply store told me the peroxide would remain good for a year after it was opened. She also told me it could be saved and reused. Does anyone know if this is true? I saved the peroxide I bought but want to make sure it is safe to use again.
Linking up to some of my favorite parties
Sunday, May 23, 2010
A treat for Monday morning
Nothing like a bit of ribbon or some fancy pins to brighten up your day and put a spring in your step. This tartan ribbon is one of my favourite things at the moment and I have a piece tied in a bow on the handle of my best shopping basket. It's a shame that some of the Paris Mode label is missing but there's still enough left to make me happy and one day I'll find a use for these gorgeous buttons. I've put the teacup pin cushion there as I love the white flower pins in it. We like cups and saucers at Halfpenny Home although you are just as likely to find buttons and pins in them as you are to find tea.
Oil on Canvas
Referring to the rather wonderful band Japan - sigh!
Also a great heading for the art class paintings, aren't they great? I'm always gushing about the art class and persuading people to go up to the gallery studio and have a look at the art. I love listening in as they are discussing techniques, composition and establishing the darks while I make coffee and get the cake ready for half-time refreshments.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Creative arts and cake!
What could be better than spending a morning painting with great company and lovely cake? Ask any of the lucky people who have just come to the end of a series of art classes with Ed Cooper and they would tell you that they want a WHOLE day! We are sorting out some dates where they will be able to do just that. There are some lovely locations close to Halfpenny Home both for painting and picnics. Here are some photos of the art class and later I'll post some photos of their work.