The night we went they were having their famous Antique Week Party. Here are the girls left to right: Luann(Patina Green), Heather(PresentPast Collection), Casi(Patina Green), Theresa Smith(Time Worn Interiors), Linda Marcov(Willow Nest), Shelly and Carol(Raised In Cotton). Down front are myself and Theresa Cano(Garden Antiques Vintage).
Friday, April 18, 2008
Leftover's Anyone?
Okay hold on to your hats, you are about to see pics of the most over-the-top antique shop I have EVER seen live and in person. The furniture, the accessories, the displays... All unbelievably fab! If you are ever even remotely near Brenham TX I encourage you to stop by Leftover's. Thanks guys for letting me take pics!

The night we went they were having their famous Antique Week Party. Here are the girls left to right: Luann(Patina Green), Heather(PresentPast Collection), Casi(Patina Green), Theresa Smith(Time Worn Interiors), Linda Marcov(Willow Nest), Shelly and Carol(Raised In Cotton). Down front are myself and Theresa Cano(Garden Antiques Vintage).
The night we went they were having their famous Antique Week Party. Here are the girls left to right: Luann(Patina Green), Heather(PresentPast Collection), Casi(Patina Green), Theresa Smith(Time Worn Interiors), Linda Marcov(Willow Nest), Shelly and Carol(Raised In Cotton). Down front are myself and Theresa Cano(Garden Antiques Vintage).
Marburger All Stars~~Part Three
Rounding out my top three favs at Marburger is Judy Hill. I have seen pics of her booths from past shows, but honestly you must admire the talent of this woman in person to truly get it. She is edgy and witty and I found her positively refreshing. I can't wait to see what she does for the fall show. Hats off to you Judy.

Marburger All Stars~~Part Two
When I stepped into this booth my jaw dropped to the ground in utter amazement at the drop-dead-gorgeous offerings that are French Vanilla. Really Peg and John, you couldn't have picked a better business name if you'd tried. Your masterful arrangement of the treasures you selected truly inspire me to keep getting better at this. You are both sweeties and Mr. Sweet Pea and I can't wait to see you in the fall. Enjoy the eye candy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Marburger All-Stars Part One
One of the best parts of doing a show like Marburger Farms is meeting the dealers who really knock it out of the park. These people are stars. They not only sell unusual, edgy, jaw-dropping stuff but they put it together like nobody else can. Watch out Anthropologie! First up the one and only Theresa Smith of Time Worn Interiors. She recently changed her name from Cottage Gardens and her link is under my favs so check her out. Here are some pics from her fab booth. Props also to Craigy-poo for his great tin top tables and his charming personality.

Friday, April 11, 2008
I Won An Award At Marburger!
Okay I'm not sure some people would be flattered to win an award for being the #1 Junker at Marburger, but if you know the context of the word "junker" in the circles I travel in, then you know it's a good one. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the JunkMarket Girls~~Sue Whitney and Ki Nassauer. They've been featured on HGTV many times and have written two books on re-purposing "junk" into treasures. Well, Sue was at Marburger doing a book-signing and giving demos on several of their projects. She also walked the show looking for booths that featured treasures made from salvaged materials and gave out awards to a few select dealers. And...looky looky~~I got an award for the potting table Mr. Pea and I made from an old dresser and various pieces and parts!! I was super flattered and even teared up!! Check it out~~I got a trophy cup, a best-in-show pin and an autographed card showing what I won for. How cool is that?

Thanks Sue! For more info on the JunkMarket go to
Thanks Sue! For more info on the JunkMarket go to
DFW won't see big home price declines
Report: Dallas-Fort Worth won't see big home price declines 11:08 PM CDT on Thursday, April 10, 2008 By STEVE BROWN / The Dallas Morning News
While North Texas' housing market decline has accelerated in recent months, analysts are still betting that the Dallas-Fort Worth area won't see measurable price declines. Indeed, the latest report from mortgage insurance firm PMI Group says that D-FW is one of the last places in the country likely to see a drop in home prices during the next couple of years. There's less than a 1 percent chance that home prices will fall here, according to PMI's spring risk index report, which was released Thursday. At the same time, PMI says that 13 of the nation's top housing markets have more than a 60 percent likelihood of home price declines. Full Story
While North Texas' housing market decline has accelerated in recent months, analysts are still betting that the Dallas-Fort Worth area won't see measurable price declines. Indeed, the latest report from mortgage insurance firm PMI Group says that D-FW is one of the last places in the country likely to see a drop in home prices during the next couple of years. There's less than a 1 percent chance that home prices will fall here, according to PMI's spring risk index report, which was released Thursday. At the same time, PMI says that 13 of the nation's top housing markets have more than a 60 percent likelihood of home price declines. Full Story
Rode Hard and Put Up Wet aka First Time At Marburger
Howdy Y'all! Well I finally feel like I'm getting my head above water! What an eye opener these last two weeks have been! Mr. Pea and I are just back from the fabulous Marburger Farms show where we set up for the first time. What a blast although we are both exhausted. We met the nicest people and made many new friends, and I have developed a profound addiction to clothing by Magnolia Pearl. She is the sweetest person as is her partner John. The latest issue of Country Living features an article about her that is pure eye candy. See my favs list for a link to her.
So after an interesting trip out where the framework near the wheels on my brand new trailer was coming apart and a lengthy detour off I-10 in Houston we finally arrived. The first three days were set-up days and the show started on Tuesday. We had beautiful weather all but one day when it rained and the temp dropped to the low 50's. Can you say Brrrrrr? But Saturday was back to normal and all in all I was pretty happy with my debut at the show. I can tell you that this is the real deal of shows. No garage sale junk and the best of the best in all categories of antiques. Here's a peek at my booth before the onslaught...

We started home on Sunday hoping for an uneventful trip. Alas it was not to be. We hit another detour off I-10 in Biloxi and then at 3:30 am on Monday (yes we drove straight through) after almost 22 hours of driving we had a blow out on a trailer tire. Again with the trailer! We were less than an hour from home but luck was not ours this time. We crawled into bed at almost 5 am and pretty much wrote off the rest of the day. The next day we were back at it as we had to load the trailer contents back into the shop. I really must say I can't remember the last time I felt so pooped but slowly I am getting on track. The shop is 99% back together and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please check back as I will be posting more on the show and a couple of the fun events we went to in our "off" time. I'll also let you know about an award I won for the re-purposed pieces Mr. Sweet Pea and I made as well. Until next time....
So after an interesting trip out where the framework near the wheels on my brand new trailer was coming apart and a lengthy detour off I-10 in Houston we finally arrived. The first three days were set-up days and the show started on Tuesday. We had beautiful weather all but one day when it rained and the temp dropped to the low 50's. Can you say Brrrrrr? But Saturday was back to normal and all in all I was pretty happy with my debut at the show. I can tell you that this is the real deal of shows. No garage sale junk and the best of the best in all categories of antiques. Here's a peek at my booth before the onslaught...
We started home on Sunday hoping for an uneventful trip. Alas it was not to be. We hit another detour off I-10 in Biloxi and then at 3:30 am on Monday (yes we drove straight through) after almost 22 hours of driving we had a blow out on a trailer tire. Again with the trailer! We were less than an hour from home but luck was not ours this time. We crawled into bed at almost 5 am and pretty much wrote off the rest of the day. The next day we were back at it as we had to load the trailer contents back into the shop. I really must say I can't remember the last time I felt so pooped but slowly I am getting on track. The shop is 99% back together and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please check back as I will be posting more on the show and a couple of the fun events we went to in our "off" time. I'll also let you know about an award I won for the re-purposed pieces Mr. Sweet Pea and I made as well. Until next time....
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