The night we went they were having their famous Antique Week Party. Here are the girls left to right: Luann(Patina Green), Heather(PresentPast Collection), Casi(Patina Green), Theresa Smith(Time Worn Interiors), Linda Marcov(Willow Nest), Shelly and Carol(Raised In Cotton). Down front are myself and Theresa Cano(Garden Antiques Vintage).
Friday, April 18, 2008
Leftover's Anyone?
Okay hold on to your hats, you are about to see pics of the most over-the-top antique shop I have EVER seen live and in person. The furniture, the accessories, the displays... All unbelievably fab! If you are ever even remotely near Brenham TX I encourage you to stop by Leftover's. Thanks guys for letting me take pics!

The night we went they were having their famous Antique Week Party. Here are the girls left to right: Luann(Patina Green), Heather(PresentPast Collection), Casi(Patina Green), Theresa Smith(Time Worn Interiors), Linda Marcov(Willow Nest), Shelly and Carol(Raised In Cotton). Down front are myself and Theresa Cano(Garden Antiques Vintage).
The night we went they were having their famous Antique Week Party. Here are the girls left to right: Luann(Patina Green), Heather(PresentPast Collection), Casi(Patina Green), Theresa Smith(Time Worn Interiors), Linda Marcov(Willow Nest), Shelly and Carol(Raised In Cotton). Down front are myself and Theresa Cano(Garden Antiques Vintage).
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