Today marks 18 years of marriage for Mr. Sweet Pea and I.
We started as friends in 1989 and remained so for a couple of years. Then he went off to Desert Storm and I went on with my life. I would call his room at the base once in awhile to see if he was back. We didn't correspond while he was gone. One day I called and the line was busy...
It could be him or it could be his roommate...
It was him. He was back and finally getting his discharge, months overdue. He was moving to the St. Pete area to live with a friend he grew up with in West Virginia. We talked for a long time and then as we all casually do and never expect it to happen, I invited him to come to Winter Park sometime and we'd get together. Nothing intended, just friends...
One month later the phone rang... It was him. He and his friend were coming to Orlando for the weekend. I asked a friend of mine to go. The whole time I was asking myself "Is this a date?". It felt different.
It was.
Less than two months later he moved to Winter Park. With me. That next February we made it official. We said "I do".
And 18 years later we are still saying it...
Happy anniversary Mr. Sweet Pea. I love you...
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