I received an email yesterday and another today about a long lost friend from my childhood. She is just a couple of years older than me, early 50's, and she is dying. I mean today, as I type... She has liver cancer and has been sick for about two years. Like me, she has grown children. They are all saying their good-byes today. She is in her final hours...
Can you imagine?
I haven't seen her since I was in high school. But I idolized her. I never told her that. She was an upper classman and beautiful, and the coolest guy around was mad for her. She lived with us for awhile. She had a job and some spending money. She turned our car on it's side in a ditch with me and my sister in it. She could hit the heck out of a softball. She treated me like a little sister...
I have thought about her all day. Sad, saying prayers for her family and friends, just kind of moping around. I needed this kick in the pants really. You see I am a procrastinator and sometimes I just can't get out of my own way. I overthink things. I am afraid the end product won't be what I wanted. Won't be what others wanted...
And so the idea that my old friend won't get the chance to put things off, to see things through, to do a million things she wanted to do made me realize that life is short. For some of us, even shorter.
I've been procrastinating on the garden cottage... Today I finished it...
I'm dedicating this post to Pam...
Let's start outside, then next post we'll go inside.
We used old wavy glass windows and a gorgeous old door, old porch posts, a zinc dormer from France, lots of old architectural pieces and a tin roof.
I re~purposed old iron headboards for porch railing.
An old pot belly stove makes a fab table on the porch.
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