I was looking back at some photos from this time last year and thought I would share some of them with you. Halfpenny Home came about after I saw a To Let sign on a building I had worked in a few years ago. I was getting ready to visit my parents in Northern Cyprus and two weeks later when I returned to the UK I had a plan...I had discussed it with my good friend Tariq over a couple of Efes at his bar and decided it was the right time to set up an Art and Craft Studio.

Liz Worsley very kindly designed and painted my signs and they are perfect. I'm a lucky girl!
I'm eternally grateful for the work she put into them, thank you Liz for being so patient, I love them and they make me smile every day!
Liz also for makes the best almond slices I have ever eaten!

My very good friend Maria made us some lovely cakes with buttons on!
Maria loves making things and we have a lot of conversations that consist of oohs and ahhs, her husband Wal loves old crafts like ragrugs and hates to see things wasted or thrown away - I think you can begin to see why we all get on so well...
They didn't get a chance to see the studio when it looked like this...

I bet you are all glad that the horrible old sink has gone!
All the racking has gone to good home too, Pat and Paul had some in return for a 10 litre tub of paint (we got through a lot of paint) and have helped me so much more since then!

It's been a lovely year, hope you have all enjoyed it too, Nic x
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