One of the best things about being in Texas is rockin' out the PEARL...
You will see me head to toe in PEARL cause it just fits the vibe of the whole experience.
There is just one thing about wearing PEARL though...
You must, I repeat MUST have the right shoes... Any old shoe blows the whole look.
You've got to go really pretty and feminine or totally funky. No in between. Last fall the models were sporting old work shoes on the site and it was so fabulous and funky that I had to borrow the look.
I knew I was saving those old Nine West work shoes for a reason...
Boots are always right. Cowboy boots, Uggs, and of course you have to have a pair of rubber wellies. Rubber wellies can come in really handy besides looking cute with your PEARL.
So here are some pics of what I'll be bustin' out in at the show with my PEARL...
These Doc Martens are so over the top cute and look killer with my pantaloons.
My new wellies.
I found these adorable shorty boots with a killer ruffle at Target.
Love these boots from Simple.
Sweet flats in nubby fabric with a velvet bow.
My cowboy boots.
And here they are. My black work shoes. Lucky me, I have a pair in brown too.
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