I have been trying to get to this post for a couple of weeks now and share this tradition that we have had within our family for some years now, in fact I think over 10 to be more accurate.
In our family we have a belief that Valentines Day is more than just for the 14th of February. We use the first weeks of February up until the actual day of Valentines Day to show love for each family member. Of course the traditions stems from St Valentine and the customs that arose from this time.
The love of two people that then blossoms into children within the family circle and the unending circle of love is a beautiful tradition to celebrate each year.
Two activities we do every year to a more or less degree, sometimes depending on financial restraints are below:
Two activities we do every year to a more or less degree, sometimes depending on financial restraints are: 1) We have a Valentines tree
and 2) Our Heart Pockets
The Valentines tree is simply a branch form a tree that we make heart shapes out of paper and then hang them on the tree. We use a heart shape punch to make the lacy look pattern on the hearts.
A very simple and beautiful reminder of love within the family.
Our giant heart shape I made from felt and then I stitched on smaller heart shaped pockets. Thank goodness I made it with some spares as we have added some babies since then!
Being the fabric paint lover I am I wrote on the name for each family member and sewed on some lace. The reason we have different colours is I simply was using the colours I had in my fabric stash rather than buying new fabric.
As it is, I am contemplating how to add to this heart as we still hope for future children (perhaps) and spouses for the children.
Into each pocket the tradition is to make small love notes and place a small gift of chocolate, lollies and other items I have placed into the 'giving basket'. It is a little hard for the younger children not to be over generous with their giving as they view the 'giving basket' as an unending supply. However I try to limit to 1-2 lollies and a note each time. The note being the requirement to putting a lolly or gift in.
These are some supplies I bought to make a Valentine ribbon banner, I am part way through this and some paper crafts for the children this coming week.
To decorate the notes for the heart we use some glitter and small beads as well as some stickers and small images we have stored away for Sparrow Post letters.
All ready for the eager little givers........
It didn't take long to start filling the pockets. The little ones keep checking back every few minutes or two. I love their enthusiasm, I just wish I could keep topping up the 'giving basket' for them
Just a few little things in a couple of pockets.
I hope you enjoyed our little trip down 'Valentine Lane.' I am still planning on a sharing a few more ideas before the actual day of St Valentine. But I was really keen to share our main preparations for this beautiful day.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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