except for the ten million last minute things like going to the bank, the store, getting my checkout stuff together, calling Chase so they don't shut off the debit card as we cross state lines, over~packing by a mile, finding a white shirt for Mr. Pea, etc. etc...
I have my ever~present list so it will all get done and early Wednesday we will head the truck and trailer toward
This will be my final post til I return with tons of pics and great stories.
Stay tuned.
If you will be at the shows I want to remind you about this fabulous blogger experience...

My friend Teresa Cano ( I call her sweet T) is hosting the ever fabulous blogger party on Sunday the 27th at 6pm at ZAPP HALL in Warrenton. You never know who you will bump into at this shindig so stop by if you are in the neighborhood. I'll be there for sure!
That's a wrap folks, see ya on the flipside!
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