We have made exhaustive use of the public libraries but have reached at each one the stage where there is not much new material unless we research and order it in on intra-library loans.
Just recently we were able to order a significant amount of new books. Some of these were books we had read from the library and were wanting to add them to our own library....what we call 'keepers'.
Some were ones we had had 'our eye on' so to speak for a while.
When ordering these from Book Depository I tried to get a variety of books taht would appeal to our whole book loving family.
Above we have Some Rosemary Sutcliffe ( a favourite with just about all of us), Redwall Series ( Stephen, Kynan and Eden's favourites) The Hollow Kingdom series (part of, more still to come) The Mismantle Chronicles, Rogan really started to love reading from this series (with more to come) and Alex O'Donnell and the 40 Cyber Thieves (always a line up for these books) and Story of the World Book 4
The picture books are a huge success with all of us: We have some new Patricia Polacco, I think we now have an almost complete collection Daniela Drescher picture books and the latest Elsa Beskow.
Today we received Saxon's favourites the Murderous Maths series, two new Fancy Nancy books (everyone's favourites) and a 'Mummy book' for me. We still have a few to get that we are looking forward too. We all rush down to check the mail for a car to pick up the parcels from the post office!!
Funnily enough on the day we received this big book of new books the children wanted to go to the library and get some books.
Who knows why as we had some very excited children starting to read the new books.
However getting new reading matter is always fun no matter where it comes from So off we trooped to the library and came back with a fairly descent haul. Not to big for us ........only three bags full.
And of course where their are books in our house there you will find at least one person reading. As soon as I put them into our library baskets/boxes Saxon and Vellvin sat down to read some.
We keep all the library books in assigned baskets in an assigned area (the area can change in the house) but you must read them near the basket or bring them straight back to the basket if you are an older child as soon as your finish reading them. This we I can keep track of the books and have less chance of losing them . It has worked for us for a very large number of years.
So having books all over the house means we can be assured of children all over the house too☺. Not good when you are looking for them to do their jobs though!
It is a joy to see our children LOVE spending time reading, and thus opening their horizons to many interesting tales and lands.
This is the blessing of a literary lifestyle, one I am so glad we embarked upon many years ago.
Good reading to you all this night!!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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