Yes after five days in hospital Trahaearn and I have returned home.
Thank you for all your kindness and prayers for our little dumpling.
Well, actually he isn't a round and chubby dumpling hence our visit to the Doctor and hence admittance to hospital.
So here is the rundown on the situation:
We have had over the past couple of months been trying to monitor Trahaearn's weight as he has not put on lots of weight and has even lost weight over time.
Trahaearn has been having medication for the reflux that the Doctor prescribed for him when we went to see him last. I am not sure if the dosage was right or not because he still kept sicking up after feeds and even in between feeds. However of course you know the whole time we were in hospital he DID NOT vomit like he had been at all. So perhaps the re adjustment of the medication was all he needed to stop this.
While in hospital Trahaearn had tests,what they were exactly I need to ask tomorrow, (update:when I asked no one was able to sahre the tests with me, so still need to find out) as they did not tell me and I was a little surprised when we were discharged without being told what specifics they checked for.
Our little baby did have to have a blood test (2 attempts at this one, my poor baby), a sample of poo and wee (I had to catch that sample in mid air.....a challenge for sure) and an ultrasound which was clear.
In between all this was the various conversations with the Pediatric team and nursing staff was well as the Lactation Staff on what we should do. Of course the Doctors wanted him to start solids straight away (which is what the Dr told me at three months and put me off going back to see him). I did not want to do this and so we then had the discussion (well they decide and then tell you why you should do it like they want you too) about supplementing with formula. Again I wasn't too thrilled but agreed as I wanted Trahaearn to put on weight. Of course our little boy did not like the formulae and refused to drink it. Did you know that Trahaearn means 'strong as iron, Oh yeah, we are going to have to watch this boy I am sure. Perhaps he gets this stubbornness from some where......
Back for the next attempt at an idea.
Working in this post on Sunday night - second attempt as i lost all I had typed up when the power on my computer went off and now said Baby is awake again.
Well we came home with a plan to feed every 3 hours and express after a feed and then give the expressed breast milk (EBM) in a bottle every feed as well.
Did I mention our children are not very happy about mummy 'spressing' again and Saxon said tonight that 'spressing' sounds very much like stressing.
Well this seemed a fine plan but when I went to weigh Trahaearn at the hospital today he had lost weight again. So I was just a little stressed about this and not knowing what to do to help him put on weight.
So phase three of the plan was to continue with the other plan but to wake him during the night. Did I mention that he sleeps all night and this is the only really good sleep he has. I am not really looking forward to this as I do like my night sleep, that is when the other small children stay in their own beds.
so we are on three hourly feeding and bottle feeding along with expressing during the night...wish me luck with this.
Also we will be adding some formula to the EBM until we can increase our milk output that hopefully will be assisted by some medication I received today.
We will be going back on Tuesday to asses Trahearn's weight and hopefully he will have put on weight
After arriving home today I spoke to a friend on facebook who has some specialty in this area and she gave me some much needed ressurancea and lots of information and advice.
So the short version is we are now expressing every 11/2 hours and feeding every 2-3 hours. Until Trahaean gains weight and I am sure my milk supply is 'happy' we will use the formula too....for mummy's piece of mind really.
So all in all I think I will wrap up here now and have a few minutes before the next feed.
I will keep you updated as we go along but can you Please can you keep us and Trahaearn in your prayers please ☺
Blessings to you and your homes,
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