Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Needle Falters....

"Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern--it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like stitch at a time, taken patiently." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

Am I too impatient with my life?
Have I missed too many stitches for my work to be a beautiful pattern.

Our lives are so stagnant and still, as we await so many answers to too many questions.
There arise difficulties within from the constant drain on thoughts and hearts that need to be re-newed.

I wait and work my needle into the pattern and see life passing by with no progress. I falter more and more daily and despair of the rose ever coming into the pattern of my life.

Some days it seems so wearing and grim, my fabric is dirty from too many words said from hearts that are sore.

If only the pattern had more explicit instructions!

But alas I walk by faith and my faith is sorely tested.

I yearn to have a beautiful pattern that has been worked over dilegently, and yet I struggle and fall to often.

Oh Lord help me to work the pattern dutifully to yield the beautiful rose.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Hobart Wizz Trip

Night time view from our room
I mentioned a while ago that Stephen and I were Hobart bound overnight for a work related trip. We only stayed the one night but had a really lovely time away.

Thank goodness for those young adults we have who live with us who were able to babysit the younger children so VERY, VERY well. A very big Thank you to you.

Trahaearn was excellent the whole time we were away and it was a special time for him to be just with his Daddy and I.
Trahaearn at the Hotel
Ducks on the river
View of Mt Wellington from the Hotel
We were able to go to the Salamanca Markets on the Saturday morning and then to visit special friends we have known for many, many years who had just moved to Hobart and have a very leisurely lunch with them before driving home.
At Salamanca Market
Juggling Act at the Market
Band we have seen before at the Markets
Trahaearn in the Hug a Bub
Hui and Trahaearn
View in Hobart
The River
As we drove along I had a lovely time crocheting and looking at the historic buildings along the way, trying to get good photos (on the way back). I was especially interested as we had just finished watching Victorian Farmhouse and I noticed a few of the very old buildings were very much based on the English Victorian farm in the way the buildings were set out.
Working Windmill

It really was a mini holiday for us and I certainly enjoyed the time with my dear husband and our precious son.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Little Sweetness to Brighten your Day........

And mine of course!!
What more can I say???

Blessings to you and your homes,

Are Two Better than One?

When it comes to decorating I tend to favor pairs of items in symmetrical arrangements– two lamps on my buffet, two potted plants on the mantel, pairs of pillows on my sofa, pairs of candle sticks on my dining room table, and matching footstools tucked under a console table.   I could go on and on but you get the point.

Recently, however, I came across this ad by Hickory Chair and was captivated by the asymmetrical placement of a single large mirror.

It reminded me of another favorite photo – this one by designer Lauren Liess of Pure Style Home – featuring a large piece of art placed slightly off-center.

Pure Style Home

The asymmetrical arrangement in these two photos really has me thinking about how I approach design.  Perhaps two is not always better than one?

I would love to know what you think.  Do you decorate in symmetrical pairs or do you prefer a more asymmetrical look with a single large focal point like the photos above?

Blogger Etiquette and Nasty Comments

When we blog about our homes and life styles we are sharing our lives and our thoughts on many subjects, perhaps of interest to others and then again perhaps not.
We love it when we know people read what we have posted and perhaps even take the time to comment. It is how I have made many wonderful and dear friends.

There seems to be a flip side to this coin however.....
The anonymous nasty commenter!!

Is it necessary for people who don't like your blog to leave nasty and anonymous comments?

I don't think it is!

I follow and read a number of blogs, many of them different, as they appeal to different parts of my life. Faith, homeschooling, homemaking and parenting, craft and mothering. They are all interesting and beautiful blogs, and yet they are their 'own people' so to speak and each is as different from each other as to me.

Now even though I read these I don't always have the time to comment. Even though I would love to let the person know I have read what they have gone to the effort to share and how it affected me. How it made me think, how I was moved to be  a better person or  just that I appreciated the time and effort in sharing their thoughts.

Now in all honesty I don't expect EVERYONE to ALWAYS agree with EVERYTHING  I say!!! And I would be willing to allow you your opinion in a polite and agreeable way.

BUT this is my blog and I reserve the right not to publish just plain nasty comments about me and my family. Hence the use of comment moderation.

So I would like to ask the so called  anonymous KATE with no  profile information available (and others) who constantly leave these comments to stop reading my blog if it offends you so much. I am sure I will not miss you and you obviously are distressed by reading what I have to share.

I think it is a shame that people who have nothing positive to say 'run around' the blogging world and leave these spiteful little darts in our comments. Of course they are usually anonymous or leave a name (like dear Kate) but no profile to access.
I know that it happens to other kindred spirits as they have had to resort the path I now take and actually say something about this.......well, infestation.

So if you would be so kind, if you understand the meaning of the word, just go and find something else to useful to do with your life. You won't miss me.............

And I won't miss you!!

Blessings to you and your homes,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beauty in the Morning............

I think one of the most beautiful sights we can see is the world as it wakens each day. For many years I was awake and outside in it enjoying the beauty God gives us to brighten our day.
This morning I was awakened by Autumn who was most enthusiastic about my coming to see the frost outside and how beautiful it was when the sun shone upon it.
 I admit my response was less than enthusiastic as I had not long before hoped back in bed after feeding Trahaearn.
I did roll over to snuggle Arwen who had come in for a morning cuddle and then I thought how excited Autumn was and how she wanted to share this moment with me and I realised that was more important as Arwen was a asleep again now anyway.
I went down stairs and outside to view a wonderful fairytale look
 Autumn had taken these photos before to keep a memory of this beautiful day.
 She had gone around our property near the house and tried to capture so many different things with the frost on them.
Athough I won't show them all here it seems that Jack Frost did a very thorough job.
AS I came down stairs Corbyn wanted to know what we were doing and so after finding him his Gumboots and a dressing gown he came with us. Then Auutmn, Corbyn and Moran went together (again) and choose different things to look at an marvel over.
I am so glad I started my day this way...........
 And because I think that Jack Frost created some beautiful LACE today I am joining in with Trish for her weekly sharing of beauty
Blessings to you and your homes,


When I closed my shop in 2008 I started having HOME SALES about once a quarter. I started out having them in the GARDEN COTTAGE but now I have them in my driveway because it's in close proximity to my trailer and I usually do the sales by myself. In the past I have kept this event to invitation only, using my email list from my shop. I have decided to post the sale here on my blog so that if you are in the central Florida area but are not on my email list you can attend. Contact me via email for the address.

I am having a 50% off sale on many vintage and antique items!! I hope you can attend!





Sorry I can't post my address here so please email me at

for the location of the sale.

Hope to see you!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hearts for Home - 26th July ♥

 In today’s busy and aggressive society mothers at home are not given much encouragement to be committed to their role in being home.

In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.

I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.

I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.

May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.

So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.

If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
May God Bless you this week.

♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥

Enjoying our lives on the 26th July by doing ♥ ♥

1. Refocus my heart on those desires that are dearest to me. I have been wandering a bit lately.

2. Sweeten my heart as my ever honest daughter tells me that I need to do this at the end of the day. She tells me "I need time for computer, then some crafty and fun  home building and hands on stuff." Obviously this does affect my mood, the need to craft and create, as I have shared before.

3. Each time a child says' mummy', to stop my hands first, then my heart will follow to see the beauty in the child

4. Take some time away from the computer to reclaim some craft time.....this will lead to less posting I am thinking.

5. As Trahaearn is getting more interested in the world to have some homemade toys ready for his use.

6. To continue to enjoy the early learning I am doing with he little ones this week. I am finding peace in doing the mix we are doing.

7. I am going to try my hand at drawing with watercolour pencils this week.

Praying you all find peace and joy in your own homes this week,

A Taste of Summer!

I love Lavender, it just screams "summer" and I thought it was time to do a spot of baking with some I picked from my mum's garden - she has absolutely loads so I think the bees will forgive me for cutting just a small amount for my recipe, plus a bit extra for a vase too!

These biscuits are super easy to make and so I thought I'd share the recipe with you...

300g / 10oz butter

180g / 7oz caster sugar

450g / 1lb plain flour

2 egg yolks

about 2 tablespoons of fresh chopped lavender leaves

about 1 tablespoon of lavender flowers

drop of milk (if required)

You could always halve the quantity - as you can see, this makes quite a lot - depending on what size cutters you use! I couldn't resist making heart shaped biscuits!
Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Then add your lavender leaves, most of the flowers and your flour and egg yolks and mix well. Knead your mixture into a soft dough and, if necessary, add a drop of milk to get a nice smooth ball. I then popped it in the fridge for half an hour before rolling out to my desired biscuit thickness, about 1/2 cm. Cut your biscuits out using your biscuit cutters and place on a greased baking tray. You can press extra lavender flowers into the top of each biscuit if you like. Bake in the oven at 160 o centrigrade / 320F for about 15-20 mins, or until firm.
Leave to cool in the trays for a few minutes to firm up before using a palette knife to remove and place on wire cooling trays.

Then settle down with a nice cuppa to enjoy a little taste of summer!
The biscuits keep really well but if you make enough, why not share them with friends -they look really pretty presented in a clear cellophane bag and tied with ribbon and a parcel tag.

Jacqui x

The Desires of My Heart

The Desires of my Heart:

They seem so simple when I put them to paper.
They have been my desires for years past and I pray for many years to come.

I am sure they are the desires of many other women of my acquaintance, those of a kindred spirit kind.

To love and serve my God, to share my faith with others that they may love and serve God.
To love and treasure my husband, the one God intended for me, whom I have had the pleasure of being married to for over 24 years.
To love and cherish each one of the special blessings, our children, that God has given us to raise for His service and glory.
To create within our home a place of beauty and peace,  a sanctuary for all who enter within, not just our family, but for any whom we are gifted by their presence.
Within our home to educate our children - not just academically for their future but for their eternal futures. Teaching the gifts of hospitality and care as mirrored by my own life.
To share our lives in a spirit of love and harmony with one another that we can help one another to grow and be up lifted
To develop and use the gifts that God has given each one of us and to encourage and use these gifts for pleasure and for service of others.

And yet as much as I treasure these desires, knowing they are placed upon my heart by a loving Father, I know I do not live up to them daily.

I know also that it is the daily living of these that is so important, and once again it is the daily living of these desires in which I fail.

I become distracted by my own 'temporary desires' that do not conform with my heart desires and I focus on these instead of what I know gives me more lasting joy and reward.

These temporary desires come and go depending on how much I listen to my 'heart desires' and I know I need to give them more focus now, at this moment, and not be distracted.

I pray that I have the humility to pray, the wisdom to listen for answers and the courage to follow and thus achieving The  Desires of My Heart.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Veganism... No food of animal origin. No meat. No dairy. No butter.

NO CHEESE... Oh, how I miss cheese...

How did I get here? It's a strongly personal choice.

I grew up in small town Indiana. Not exactly a mecca for those who shun all things of animal origin.

I ate meat... I ate gravy. I ate whatever we had for dinner that night.

Fast forward to my early twenties. I had two children under four. I became vegetarian. Not the same thing as vegan, just no meat. I shunned all white flour, all sugar. I ran 5 miles a day religiously. I taught aerobics at Elaine Powers. Remember Elaine Powers? The days of headbands and leg warmers.

Was my family vegetarian? No. Is my family vegan now?

NO. I am married to the ultimate meatatarian. He smokes, he grills. When I make a meal for my family, I make their food and I make mine. In no way similar. Is this easy? No. Will hubs occasionally eat vegan fare? Yes. Do I force my choice on them? Heck no.

I eat a vegan diet because I have never cared much for meat and so I don't miss it. I also eat a vegan diet because it is the single thing that has made the most significant impact on my health.

I don't run 5 miles a day anymore, but I do walk 3 miles a day 5 to 6 times a week. I am 52 and at 126 pounds I weigh less than I have in a long long time. I was at 143 a couple of years ago and at 5'3" I was looking a little chubby. I felt bloated and miserable. Once I cleaned up my way of eating I saw an unbelievable change in how I felt.

Don't get me wrong. Eating vegan is work. I read every label of every food I consider eating. You would be shocked at the things they put in food these days. Do I feel deprived? In no way.

Will I ever go back? No. I feel good about this decision and if any of you are curious I encourage you to check it out. Flirt with it a little.

I'd like to share two vegan blogs with you that I love. Both are sources for fabulous recipes and fresh viewpoints on ways to eat a little more healthy. You'll be so surprised at how much delicious food vegans can eat.

Here's to health and happiness!

Playing again!!

Imaginative Play is something I cherish in our children. The ability to create whole new worlds or experiences from the environment around them is a skill I admire in our small children especially.
It is interesting to see the changes that they make as they grow and mature, the imaginative play does not disappear, well at least not in our children, but changes to a different aspect.
How easily they seem to do this and how hard it is for so many of us adults.

Even playing with our children as an adult is different to how I see even the older children playing with the younger children. I think I still play as an adult with an adults point of view, even though I try to 'see' at with a child's view, where as the children still seem to be able to connect on a more child like level and manner.
It does not seem to matter to the children, but I do see the difference and wonder at my lack of ability to play in this childlike manner.
Is it just because I am an adult or is it the result of the lack of imaginative play in my own childhood as compared to our children's? It is a thought I ponder as I look for ways to encourage our children to be imaginative and creative with their time.
I do think being at home and being able to create within a more flexible structure and not be influenced by 'school time structure' allows our children the freedom to remain childlike for a longer period of time.

And in my opinion this is an advantage! Our children will soon enough grow to see the world without the wonder of a child, why would we want them to lose that wonder sooner than necessary.

So while we encourage our children to be responsible and helpful in the way they conduct themselves in our allow our family to function at it's best. I do think that within this family structure the ability to play and be a child, to use the imagination and create with child-like wisdom is to be encouraged for the full development of our children.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Blessings to you and your homes,