Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Winter Delights!

Today is the first day of winter and I enjoy mulling over the possibilities of this season.

First of all the thought of many indoor pursuits with the family~ board games and reading stories together.

I have thoughts of the girls with Rogan perhaps and  I knitting and crocheting together while we talk or listen to audio books. We so enjoy doing this and Winter seems to create the perfect atmosphere to do this.

I also see us doing more sewing together, even using the treadle machine as it is in the family room where the fire is for some projects together.

Of course Winter is the perfect time to finish our poor little Corbyn's quilt I have had started for some time. Our younger girls are learning to crochet and I think they will like being part of this domestic circle too.

The warmth and comfort that is possible after brisk walks outside as we come back into the welcoming atmosphere of our home and some warm drinks of tea and hot chocolate is a pleasure I never tire of. I  am also envisioning warm and hearty meals that speak Winter: soups, stews, breads of different varieties and puddings. Not to mention the ever essential pot of porridge to start the day with.

Our little ones are especially lovely to cuddle up with and read and tell stories with or watch play in the same room as we come to the end of a busy day that can now be lit more beautifully with candle light and  lantern light to create that atmosphere of leisure and warmth.

To start the season of there can be no more inspiring music than Vivaldi's -Winter to share with you, even if we don't have the beautiful snow scenes to enjoy for 'real.'

Blessings to you and your homes,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hearts for Home - Our Babymoon ♥

In today’s busy and aggressive society mothers at home are not given much encouragement to be committed to their role in being home.

In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.

I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.

I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.

May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.

So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.

If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
May God Bless you this week.

♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥

Enjoying our Babymoon here by doing ♥ ♥

We will be attempting to look at a new lesson schedule to allow some continued work without stressing so the children can enjoy getting to know their baby brother.

While re vamping we need to look at a  reallocation of chores and responsibilities for everyone to better suit our changing family circle and structure.

Today especially we are planning some morning tea cooking and freezing so we can keep  on top of the 'munchies' that tend to happen during the day......everyday!

We will be reading together in front of the fire, both to the little ones and a read aloud during the day, as well as personal reading (as if this needs much encouragement anyway ☺

And I am hoping to write to my dear friends and get a little craft and knitting done while savouring our precious dumpling.

I am also concentrating on  being here to our family and being every mindful of ALL the blessings we have in our family......good health, good times and much love.

Praying you all find peace and joy in your own homes this week,

Details of My Garden and Fire Pit Information

When I wrote about building a fire pit, I had no idea I would receive so many wonderful questions and comments about our garden which can be seen in the background of most of the pictures. Thank you!

The sketch above shows the general layout of the raised beds and paths. The garden itself is about 20 feet by 20 feet, with the paths being about 4 feet wide. The 8 foot by 8 foot center square features a large urn surrounded by a formal arrangement of boxwoods, lavender and licorice plants. The four triangular planting beds are where we plant our herbs and vegetables. Our selection is somewhat limited as this space of our yard does not receive as much sunlight as a garden should.

Mr. RDH and I began creating our garden shortly after we moved into our house. After clearing the area of trees and brush, the first step was making a level surface. We built the retaining wall – shown above - and began the fill-in process one load of dirt at a time. Since we do not own a tractor the dirt was taken from other parts of our property the old fashioned way – with a wheel barrow, rake and shovel. Lots and lots of hard work!

Rather than having straight rows of planting beds, we thought it would be much more interesting and fun to have a center square surrounded by triangular beds. To create the beds we used 2” x 10” boards along with 4” x 4” posts and galvanized screws. The bed frames were assembled first and then attached to the posts with the screws. You can see the top of one of the posts in the photo below.

We put down landscaping fabric – to reduce weed growth – underneath the paths and then hammered the posts into the ground to secure the beds. The garden beds were then filled with good quality soil and the garden paths covered in pea gravel.

To make an entrance to we used large rocks we found on our property and an arch which was purchased through Walpole Woodworkers. There is a small space between the outside edges of the planting beds and the caps of the retaining wall because the original plan was to enclose the garden with a white picket fence. I am not sure if the fence will happen or not as we like the ability to walk around all sides of the beds and have not had an abundance of critters eating from the garden.

The space next to the garden where our new fire pit is located was initially planned for a garden shed. Mr. RDH has been drawing plans and I have been saving images for several years now. Overtime somehow our purely utilitarian building has morphed into something completely different and much more involved. We realized it would be years before we tackled this project, thus the fire pit.

The fire pit was purchased from a local landscaping company and included the metal ring as well as the blocks. The name of the manufacturer is Cambridge Paving Stones and I was told it is possible to buy the metal ring separately. As I mentioned before, we have already enjoyed enough s’mores for an entire summer!

I hope I have answered all of your questions. If I missed something please let me know. I realize Blogger has had issues with comments as I have tried and been unsuccessful at leaving comments on many blogs. If you tried to leave a comment or question and it did not work, I would love for you to try again!


Look closely... Do you see it?


I'm so happy for her! She let me get really close to snap some pics. I have no idea when the baby hatched, I just happened to notice more than one shape in the nest today.



Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life As We Know It.................

Life as we have know it has changed over the last week, another change in our lives as we have welcomed our little precious dumpling into our family.

I would like to say a very big thank you for the many prayers, thoughts and kind words as well as encouragement as we have welcomed our little Trahaearn to our family.
Once again I am completely convinced of the value of those  precious friendships I have developed over the past couple of years especially as I have been blogging and more involved with those networking groups I love. It has been especially evident in the wonderful emails and comments we have been given.
I am indeed thankful for  each and every one of those precious friendships which I have and am looking forward to having these for a long time to come.
A not so good photo of Mummy and Trahaearn after birth
Trahaearn has been our biggest baby so far at 8lb 2oz.

He was born at 3:03 PM on Monday 23rd May.
I have referred to him as our Divine Mercy Baby, as when in labour my thought focus for prayer were the words "Jesus I Trust in You" which are a key feature in this devotion and he was born at just past 3:00pm which is when we pray this devotion each day.
So life at home ( I came home on Thursday lunchtime) has been one of interesting and lovey time with my precious husband and children. Truly, again my life is full and  and I LOVE IT

We are slowly adjusting to new routines  ~ well no routine at the moment - we are attempting to  have a very slow and welcoming time adjusting to the new life we have been entrusted with.

Over the next few days we will have a look at the major things that we want to stay the same and some of the new ways we need to deal with things.
I have been so enjoying watching our children open their hearts and lives to their new brother. Corbyn was so thrilled to be a big brother, not 'just' a  big brother but a big brother to another brother.

Interestingly enough he has been seeking more responsibility and regularly checks on his baby brother to ensure all is OK with him. He also is more interested in being able to do more grown up chores.
Our dear Bernadette come over  to spend the day with the children on Monday and came up to the hospital when the children came to see Trahaearn after we got back to our room.

I know the children enjoyed her company on Monday and it made the day a little less consumed with waiting for news of the birth.

Of course some crafting and DVD watching occurred as well as puzzles and play time, so it made the day more enjoyable for those waiting at home for news of the baby.
Since coming home I still have found that my energy levels have been down, read still tired, and I don't have the strength in my lower back especially to do a whole lot of physical activity.
Of course we had organised to have both our little girls have a joint birthday on Sunday, so of course this meant that I had to go shopping on Friday for presents and food items to ensure they had a special day.
Moran has already really passed her birthday as it was the day before Trahaearn was born and I did not have the energy or the focus to devote to giving her the special time it should be.

Obviously Moran and Trahaearn will have back to back birthday's from now on so I need to be organised for this as well each year.
Myffwyn's birthday isn't really until Wednesday but the girls share so many things together and it was simpler for me not to have to do a double dose of birthdays within the space of two days.

As it was shopping for the birthday just reinforced how not ready I am to return to full days at top speed.
In the hospital system we have here we have the blessing of a midwife who comes by and checks up on both the baby and mummy too.

We had enjoyed this service with Arwen when she was a baby and truly benefited from the home visits of Mandy, in fact we came to know "Milly Molly Mandy" as she was referred to by our children last time, fairly well as Arwen had quite long term feeding issues that Mandy came to help us through, in fact for about 5 months.
Thankfully after Mandy's visit today, and her weighing Trahaearn again (initially on Friday) he has proven to put on a good amount of weight.

What I didn't know when we had left hospital that he had lost more weight than he should have, but the nurse never mentioned it to me, thank goodness or I would have stressed out a fair bit thinking we were going down the same road again.
A very tired daddy
Once again family culture is evident in the things we say. When I told Stephen that over the two weighing in sessions Trahaearn had gained 250grams, he says 'oh yes as much as a block of chocolate'.

Family speech and traditions are such a wonderful shared event.
This was the bouquet of flowers Rogan and the little ones brought to me in hospital along with the picture he drew of them as well.

I just love the home made gifts that they bring to me. A child's love is so transparent and yet so venerable.
Yes that is broccoli Braedon is holding.

This was his gift to me when he came on his own to visit in hospital and this is the story:
I am always asking Braedon when he comes home from work ( he works on an organic vegetable property while studying part time) 'Did you bring me any vegetables'.

So obviously when your mother has had a baby and most people bring flowers, if you are Braedon you bring your mother vegetables.

To do this though he had to come up to my room by passing by the Accident and Emergency department. Obviously there are a lot of people waiting to be seen along the VERY long corridor.
As he walks through this department, which you can see from the start of the doors, everybody is quiet, nobody says a word.

When Braedon gets past all the people and out to the new corridor everyone burst out laughing and he could hear people saying things like ' he's carrying broccoli  ha ha'

Of course I thought this was hilarious too and just the kind of thing I would expect from our Braedon.

Trahearn is all ready to come home on Thursday.
 It is amazing how many times with each of our babies that when I dress them in the old fashioned gowns and knitted layettes, the responses about how lovely it is to see a baby in actual 'baby clothes' instead of more grown up baby clothes and the bond suits that are so popular.
I have had this at the many different hospitals I have been to with our babies and the comments are always the same. I find it interesting as this is just the way we have done it always and I try to keep them in these clothes for  church as long as I can.

At home Trahaearn is wearing the little nighties and longings while wrapped up in a warm bunny rug and a little hat on his head too.
My wonderful husband gave me these beautiful flowers as we came home. When I commented on the extravagance of so many roses he responded with "It isn't everyday you are the mother of 12 children"
Once again the little girls have been more interested in their own baby dolls. Of course they had to get the rocking chairs out and wrap their babies up and sit with me and rock and feed the babies like Mummy
I just adore this photo of Vellvin with Trahaearn. She has been so desperate to  have her sibling arrive, Vellvin was the one who just couldn't wait any longer.

I just love rocking and holding our babies. I could do this for hours, marveling at the gift and beauty of a  new baby.
Look at this precious face........a blessing to be sure.
I know, more pictures of the baby.

Arwen is adjusting to being the big sister too. She really is loving hugging and holding him too.

She comes up to him while I am holding him and says "Trahaearn loves me" with such faith in the truth of the statement.
Big brothers are special
Yes you can walk the baby and text on your I-phone at the same time.......Mum.

I guess the the term multi-tasking has it's own place when you are the oldest brother at home.

As we slowly adjust to our precious little baby and the new routines I hope to be able to spend some of my free time blogging. However, if that is not possible, I pray that you will be still  be here if I am unable to do daily posts for a while as has been my custom in the past.

Once again I enjoy being able to share some of our lives with you and thank you for (or if) your patience in getting to the end of this quite long post on ~ Life as we know it......... well so far!

Blessings to you and your homes,

Happy Birthday Moran and Myffwyn ♥

Two special princesses who will share a birthday together today.
Who can they be?
Why it's Moran and Myffwyn together again.

It is a special day when you share a birthday but in fact you share so many things in your days that it is not surprising to see you celebrate this day together.

We hope you enjoy this day and all the surprises in store for you.

Two girls so close, so different yet the same
Two girls who begin with the same 'M' name.
Two girls who love and care for each other,
I know you will enjoy this time together.
As you grow in your virtues and gifts this year may your relationship with each other be a mirror of selfless love that you show each other and those around you.

We love you so much and pray you have a beautiful birthday today ♥

A Yearning for Yarn...

Mmmmm....lovely new yarns from Knit Collage arrived at Halfpenny Home yesterday, we've been waiting a little while for these so the excitement meter hand hit maximum!
Rolling Stone is one of the yarn ranges that sit alongside the very much loved Gypsy Garden ones that we are such big fans of at HH HQ - it gets non-knitters knitting and even fellas find it hard to resist a bit of a knit...

We were both especially taken by the scrummy Pixie Dust yarns - we've not had these before and they are amazing! Lumpy, bumpy yarns with angelina fibre for some heavenly sparkle...

Look at how lovely and green the Emerald Rainforest is.....sigh! I'm so eager to get out a pair of needles and knit one of these up but can't decide which one....

After these lovely crocheted apple cosies appeared on the cover of Mollie Makes we've all been making them - they're addictive! It gives us a good excuse to get the hooks out, use up some of those odd bits of yarn and (of course) choose a very special button with which to embellish them with!

A great deal of debate over the practicality of such fruit jumpers raged during knitting on Wednesday and following a recent trip into Ipswich I can report that they do indeed help to prevent your breaktime apple from getting bumped and grazed whilst rolling around in your favourite wicker basket....
The trip to Ipswich was to pick up the fliers for our 'crafty afternoon' which is on Friday 3rd June at Ipswich Waterstones. We'll be there from Noon with some of the projects from A Green Guide to Country Crafts, come along and say hello, it would be lovely to see you!

Janine at Ipswich Waterstones is really lovely and particularly good at promoting and supporting local authors like us and Katie Ward, a fellow 'tweeter' whose first novel Girl Reading has just been published.

There we are! We are those 'crafty'people...

Look forward to seeing some friendly faces there and perhaps even meeting up with some blog-buddies?
Nic and Jacqui x