Tuesday, November 20, 2012

St Nicholas Hot Chocolate

Just thinking about the fact that Advent is around the corner is really starting to get me moving on planning and preparation and then I thought about this post I had not posted last year on the Hot Chocolate we make especially for St Nicholas Day but also for other festive occasions as well.

I would like to share it with you now as you start your own Advent planning. Perhaps make up a jug while you sit down and do that planning!

This was before we went can sugar free but you can substitute as shown below if you wish!

St Nicholas Hot Chocolate~
This is our version of homemade hot chocolate made thus~
In a jug place :
Approx 6 heaped dessertspoons of instant full cream milk powder (we don't like skim)
Approx 8 heaped dessertspoons of Cadbury Drinking chocolate
(for the sugar free version use 3 heaped tablespoons of natural organic cacao powder - this is incredibly powerful stuff and probably 5 tablespoons of rapadura, panela or coconut sugar)
Add boiling water to 3/4 full of the jug and stir
add milk to fill the jug up

Then to make it St Nicholas Hot Chocolate we add marshmallows and a peppermint stick.
If you look to the left you can see Arwen reaching for the peppermint sticks .......again!

Blessings to you and your homes,

Monday, November 19, 2012

Vellvin's Birthday in Collage ♥

Today we finally celebrated Vellvin's Birthday and what a day it was!!

We had Saxon up sick through the night and I was up very late tying to finish her birthday preparations but our sweet little Trahaearn is so unhappy at the moment. He is still not eating much and needs to be comforted  with much love and holding.
Moran is still recovering and even Vellvin who seemed to be getting better was not entirely at 100% today.

We did have a surprise for the younger children, and Vellvin as she had gone to bed this morning. Braedon had brought back Anna-Lisa to stay for a few days and as always she is a most welcome addition.

So food for the day~
 for breakfast Vellvin had Banana and Oat Smoothies ( recipe to follow)
Lunch was supposed to be Berry fruit Salad and Yogurt but no one felt to up to it so we skipped this
Dinner was beef stir fry with soaked rice and spinach
Cake: A Secret Benedict Society Book Inspired cake, the house that Mr Benedict lives in
Party Bags: musk sticks, gummy bears, sour things, mini M&M's and skittles. As per lunch not everyone was up to this either.
Drink: I made a new drink called St Clements ( recipe to follow) Oh yes this one is super easy and so very, very lovely.

The  children watched Star Wars ( the first old one, I don't know it's new fangled name) as Vellvin was feeling g a little down with so many sick people on her birthday.
Then she went and read one of her new books.

Did I mention that most of Vellvin's presents were books and the new Taylor Swift CD too.
This is the same mix she had last year!
I see a pattern emerging here. Well the books have been standard for a few years not but now a CD too.

Happy Birthday to our most precious and sweet natured girl.
We love you so much.

All our love,

P. S. Could I ask you to still keep our children in your prayers we are really struggling with getting over this virus. Thank you so much

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Dear Vellvin ♥

Dearest Darling Vellvin,
I know this is not your actual birthday, that it was last Friday but as you were sick today is the day we will celebrate the special day that is 'all about you'

I know that it is a blessing to have such a sweet and lovely girl as you for a daughter and we give thanks for the fact that you are a part of our family.

As you turn 14, I mean really how can that be already. I still remember the sweet little baby who would sit in front of the basket of toys for ages playing so happily and I  see this now in your generally happy and sweet demeanor that you grace us with every day.

I pray you are well enough to enjoy this special day and that it may be a remarkable year ahead for you as you continue to grow in every virtue and that you continue to share your love of Christ with all around you in your every word and example.

Love you always my sweet,

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Creamy Whites

A casual Sunday for me is the prefect time to relax, its often my day that I spend the morning with my family and then allow some creative time for myself, to blog, pin away or just to read the latest magazines. Lately I have been drawn to simplicity, warmth, texture and whites, aged metals and woods, brick, sea grass matting, greys and earthy tones, I dont see dull or boring I see the complete opposite, it gives me total clarity! 

All images via my pinterest page with the direct source

Friday, November 16, 2012

One of those days........

It has been one of those days!
Well actually a few of, one of those days!
We have had some sort of virus run through a  few, well quite a few of the children and I and those children not sick, have spent most of the last two days and three nights helping our sweet ones who have been constantly vomiting.

It has been a constant round of trying to make them comfortable and doing infection control each time we empty a sick bucket. We have been trying to keep fluids down but they keep coming up again no matter how small a sip we ask the little ones to have.

Our sweet little Trahaearn has been most clingy to his mama and while I so love snuggling him in while he is sick especially, I mean who can resist that sweet little voice calling out 'mama. my mum mum mama'
It is times like these though that I am so grateful for those extra helping hands of the older children who can snuggle another sad little dumpling or take a sip or water or change some one who did not make the bucket.

So tonight after finally getting the sick to bed, and fixing up the baby again, I spent time in the kitchen cleaning up the dinner mess that we had not gotten around to.
I admit I was quite content just fixing up my new milk kefir grains, straining my old ones and hoping they will make it back. Rescuing the overflowing sourdough starter and then finally washing up all the dishes and pots that would not fit in the dishwasher.
I was able to pray the rosary with the app on my i-phone while doing  these simple yet rewarding jobs.

I was reminded of the many times I have spent late evening preparing food and mixing up special treat for those most precious to me and I know that this is where I love to be.........

The kitchen which for me is the heart of my home, the place where life is at it's busiest and yet most productive for me. A place where I can fulfill my vocation of wife, mama and homemaker.
A place that I am proud to have not only physically but emotionally too.

So before I check on my loved ones before turning in for the night early morning I know I would say to you to be thankful for all the blessings that come your way each day -- even a day like today.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Christmas Books Wish List

As we approach the month of November I always like to look for new Christmas books to add to our collections. Sometimes of course it often ends up just a beautiful idea and then, sometimes, we actually get to add to our collection.
During the year I did get a couple of books for my birthday that I will share here and I will also add the ones  that we were able to get  after Christmas that I have not shared on my lists before that I absolutely love.

As  I have been making a wish list of sorts of some I would love to buy and read to our children and thought others would like to see what we like to read. I will post them here as well.

Not all our Christmas books are about the actual Christmas story, but if not they do usually have something to do with the traditions of Christmas or about a Christmas virtue so to speak.

These are the new books that are new for us this year (so far)~
A Christmas Dress for Ellen
Little Fairy's Christmas
Penny's Christmas Jar Miracles
The Christmas Eve Ghost
Annika's Secret Wish
The Gift of the Christmas Cookie
The Wee Christmas Cabin
A Child is Born
The Shepherd's Christmas Story
The Little Drummer Boy
The Little Christmas Tree
And here are the books on my Christmas Wish List ~

These are the other books we own that I have made up into different lists that you may enjoy looking at~
Advent and Christmas books List 1
Advent and Christmas Books List 3
Chapter or read aloud books
Countdown, craft and activity books
Board books
2009 List
Blessings to you and your homes,

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A reminder..........

A reminder to cherish the days with our children. They pass so quickly and can never be rewound.
This is  a poem I have had in my bible for many years and read to help me in my vocation......

I ran into a stranger as he passed by.
 "Oh excuse me please" was my reply.
 He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you."
 We were very polite, this stranger and I.
 We went on our way and we said good-bye.

 But at home a different story is told,
 how we treat our loved ones, young and old.

 Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
 my son stood beside me very still.
 When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
 "Move out of the way," I said with a frown.
 He walked away, his little heart broken.
 I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

 While I lay awake in bed,
 God's still small voice came to me and said,
 "While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use,
 but the children you love, you seem to abuse.
 Go look on the kitchen floor,
 you'll find some flowers there by the door."
 "Those are the flowers he brought for you.

 He picked them himself; pink, yellow and blue.
 He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
 and you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."

 By this time, I felt very small, and now my tears began to fall.
 I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
 "Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.
 "Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
 He smiled, "I found 'em out by the tree."
 "I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
 I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."
 I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
 I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
 He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway.
 I said, "Son, I love you too,
 and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."
 (Author Unknown)

 Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days.
 But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our own family - - an unwise investment indeed, don't you think?

 Do you know what the word FAMILY means? FAMILY = (F) ather (A)and (M)other, (I) (L)ove (Y)ou

Blessings to you and your homes,

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All Saints Day 2012

An angel or Holy Innocent (she couldn't decide)
Last Thursday it being All Saints Day was a little unusual for us.
It started out as the monthly homeschool group meeting day that our children were excited to be going to for the second day, but also we had been invited to an All Saints Day Party.
This was a very low key affair as our lovely hostess told me quite late the night before.
Simple a dress-up as your saint and tell a little about them and we will have a few treats for the children and adults as well.
This was something we had always wanted to do as we have always celebrated this at home and the thought of sharing this feast day with others was wonderful.
Once again we did not go all out for costumes but simply used what we had at home and could be assembled very quickly. Anna-Lisa was still visiting and made a chocolate cake (for the third time in four days) and we took that with us to share.
It was a great idea, the cake, as we used it to sing a version of "Happy All Saints to you" and then cut the cake and of course the children all were very saintly and ate of this heavenly food.
St Agnes
We actually never got around to telling the saints as the children had a very exciting time playing together and we adults were very content to talk and monitor the children.
I did have to get these photos after the very exciting day and so perhaps they are not the best ones we could have had and the idea of getting the children who had dressed up in a group photo was another thing that just was not a viable option.
I love these roses in Vellvin's hair. They were picked form the garden where the party was held and I was given some for my hair as well.
St Stephen
Rogan had lots of fun creating the blood on the stone for St Stephen as well as the gash on his head.
He almost convinced his Dad when he came home that he had had a terrible injury......almost but not quite.
St Dymphna
St Dymphna this year was Myffwyn as we love these peasant style saints as they are so easy to dress up for
They also make playing at a party easy too, lol
St Anne
Moran wanted to be Mary's mother this year and so we created this outfit for her.
She especially wanted this head scarf and insisted I take a photo of it from behind.
St Francis of Assisi
One of the beauties of owning a Jedi cloak is the fact they can be used for many purposes. This time it was St Francis and all we needed was some rope, rosary beads and some puppets.
Of course we discovered when we got home that St Francis had not only lost his rope and rosary beads but his feathered and animal friends he had taken with him had somehow been, well, misplaced.
So he being the saint he is was soon found some other animal friends and his habit was help together with some string instead.

On Sunday when preparing for Mass I found his feathered companions in my hand bag!

So a very simple and happy All Saints Day for us this year.
Perhaps one day we will have a major feast with much food and games....perhaps!!

Blessings to you and your homes,

Monday, November 5, 2012

Handmade Christmas!

It's definitely going to be another handmade Christmas this year! 

Giving a gift that you have made yourself is such a wonderful feeling...prompted by a regular visitor to HH HQ we will be making these clip-frame purses from scrumptious Liberty prints and having a brilliant evening on Thursday 6th December! £25 and spaces are limited, book early!

Rachel's felting workshops are always booked up super fast! 

Using lovely soft wool top in beautiful colours is such a treat and even though her bag-making workshop on the 10th is full to bursting she has also agreed to come along on the afternoon of Saturday 1st December 2 - 5pm to show us how to make fabulous flowers, the lilies are my personal favourites! £35 per person and spaces are limited.

We are cooking up some ideas for some workshops after Christmas which will combine the current two loves I have (craft-wise) felting and free machine embroidery! More about that another time but we did both get very excited about it...we've all been having fun with making collages and playing around with hoops and threads!

 Wendy's Crooked Cottage...
 Christina's Figgy Pudding!
 Harriet took to the machine embroidery as if doing it for years! Her labels and badges were brilliant but I love the Christmas pudding, so sweet!
 Val made this brilliant collage for her grandson and was getting very excited about making an apostrophe!
Another one of Christina's creations, none of these ladies had tried this before and yet we all had a fabulous time - load of ideas for things to make and a great way to spend an afternoon! Next one is on Saturday 17th November 2 - 5 pm and costs £25, we will be making Christmas decorations!

To book workshops please call in to HH HQ or text 07887511081 (I killed my laptop,don't ask....)

There are also still places available for beginner's sewing machine workshop on Thursday 8th 6 - 9pm where we will be making a simple apron from Vintage Rowan Fat Quarters, a great way to gain confidence with all aspects of measuring, handling and cutting fabrics!

Keep warm people, it's chilly out there today! Nic x

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Indigo Blue

It has been quiet a while since my last blog post, I think every post I have made lately has been about my busy work load, well nothing has changed its just stepped up with the pre xmas rush, I cant believe it only 6 weeks away, normally I would have present shopping already happening, my colour scheme planned and I would be eager to blog about Christmas but worried I might be to premature to mention it so soon, well this year its not planned at all so i'm going blog hunting for some much needed inspiration!

One of my projects next year is another beach house, it comes as no surprise that i'm thinking lots of white, worn timbers, natural coloured rattan, rustic oak floors, linens, denims, batik fabrics and touches of vintage china blues, I will never get bored with blue!

All the images above are from the new Ralph Lauren collection, you can imagine my excitement, eye candy thats for sure!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November RDH Blog of the Month – House of Turquoise

via House of Turqoise - Coastal Living Magazine
Annie Schlechter,  photographer - designed by James Radin

If you love the color turquoise and all its many tones and pretty shades, then you are in great company!  It seems lots of people love this wonderful color.  In fact, Erin loves turquoise so much that she created an entire blog called House of Turquoise dedicated to showcasing this pretty color.

I have been following Erin at House of Turquoise for quite some time and was so thrilled when she said yes to being featured today as the Red Door Home November blog of the month!  
Erin from House of Turquoise

Erin finds and shares the prettiest pictures - all featuring some variation of her favorite color. I have shared a few of my favorites from her blog throughout this post.

via House of Turquoise
Michelle Balfoort, architect - Adam Cohen. photographer

via House of Turquoise
Design by Tobi Fairly

Most people probably think of turquoise as being just one specific shade of blue.  House of Turquoise shows that there are so many hues and deviations of this wonderful color that there really are no limits when it comes to decorating with turquoise. 

via House of Turquoise - Kitchen by Young Huh

via House of Turquoise
Geoff Chick, architect - Jack Gardner, photographer

Besides her wonderful blog, Erin also has a great online store called Everything Turquoise

Here you can find anything from pajamas to scissors to linens and everything in between all in – you guessed it - the color turquoise.  It really is a great concept.

I hope you will take the time to visit Erin at House of Turquoise.   Her blog is simply beautiful!