Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I was so blessed to have the lovely SUE WHITNEY of JUNKMARKET STYLE stop by my booth at the Spring 2011 show at MARBURGER FARMS to film a segment on garden style. I just saw it on the MARBURGER site.

Go HERE to watch SUE and I chat about garden charm. I was so NERVOUS! I hope I don't look like a total dork.

Be patient, it's at the end of the segment.

Oh my goodness...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We love visiting the Museum of East Anglian Life, there's so much to see and always something to learn about the fantastic part of the country that we are lucky enough to live in!

The annual Steam and Craft fair is a brilliant event with so many steam engines and crafts people from far and wide...Jen (pictured above) is a dedicated volunteer, fund raiser and a (quite brilliant!) Wednesday knitter!

We set up our stall in the pole barn and it was clear to everyone as we donned our aprons and got the pots warming on the stove that this was no ordinairy craft fair...

There were the brilliant colours achieved through the microwave technique - a little bit quicker than the natural dyeing that we do...

...and the chance to see the famous Needham Market fire engine a recent acquisition for the museum!

So, happy that all the pretty bias bindings, ribbons, ric racs and knitting needles were displayed at there best for the day we got busy with the woad!

We had a lot of fun doing the woad dyeing section in A Green Guide to Country Crafts and all think back fondly to Gavin Kingcome's fascination with the whisking!

Woad creates a rich blue dye by reacting with oxygen so although the surface bubbles here are a gorgeous shade of blue if you part the foam you can see the very yellow dye bath below!

The colour starts to develop as soon as the items are removed from the bath! You need a lot of people around to help 'air' the skeins of yarn and silk scarves so each 'dip' ended with the shout of 'WOAD' and the ringing of a great big handbell that Lisa Museum lent to us for the day!

Here they are drying on our line and yes that is a skein of green yarn there - it's what you get when you 'over dye' yarn that has previously been dyed with Dyer's Greenweed - it's Lincoln Green!

Now it's time for a little bit of an apology - the reasons for the LONG gap between this post and the previous one, my trusty old laptop gave up! It had worked hard and written many a blogpost and luckily as it was coming up to my 40th birthday my very lovely and brilliantly supportive parents bought me a new one! How lucky am I?

It was definitely party time at HH HQ last week and Wednesday was also the day that BBC Radio Suffolk came to visit the knitters and as it was also Wednesday Wendy's birthday we had a little party. Tina made these amazing cakes and as you can see they didn't even hang around long enough to get a snap of all the letters!

They were amazing, thank you Tina!

Jo Lea, knitting moss for an ornamental hanging basket and quite determined to teach Jon from BBC Radio Suffolk to knit!

Just one of the very brilliant birthday presents - a marvelous book by a brilliant knitter! This is my bed time reading...

The lovely birthday gifts will get a proper blogpost all of their own after I've written my thank you notes...but this one deserves a special mention as it was tracked down by Mike the Glassman and it's a beauty!

I LOVE glass as much as I love yarn and there had been much plotting, texting and consultation with The Good Wives of Sew and Crow to find a piece of glass that would make me go giddy and I know that Mike is particularly pleased with himself for finding this Martini jug by Holmegaard glass...

...he takes his glass seriously and being charged with this task made it tricky for me to pin him down in order to pick a winner for Country Buntkin bunting giveaway!

BUT, I finally got him - comment 7 is the winner! Congratulations Cath, send me some details and the bunting bits and bobs will be flapping their way over to you!

And proud were Jacqui and I to see a good friend of Halfpenny Home, Polly's Textiles featured in Oh Comely magazine?!

Well done Danielle, your 'Beautifully Purposeful' hand screen-printed fabrics are gorgeous and your aprons are definitely a favourite of ours and featured in one of our favourite magazines too!

Phew! Think that's about everything...Nic x

Yarn Along: 31st August

Do you see my growing collection of unfinished Gnomes?
Why are they not sewn up you ask and why do you keep knitting them and not finishing them?

Well frankly I am pattern challenged. I have difficulty reading even simple patterns like this one of Tonya's.

So I am waiting for my dear daughter Autumn to help we work out how to sew them up.
Once I have done this once I will be right but I NEED to actually do this with someone first to make sense of the written pattern.

So hopefully I will have some finished Gnomes nest week to share. I really an so keen for Trahaearn and Arwen to have these to play with as they look so sweet.

 I am so enjoying the Rosemary Sutcliff books this week I managed to read
Dawn Wind  as well as read a little of  Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children
and will add to my growing collection:
A Little Way of Homeschooling and Homeschooling with Gentleness: A Catholic Discovers Unschooling,
these have been loaned to me by the lovely Sue

I am joining again with the other ladies over at Ginny's for this week's Yarn Along  for some knitting fun.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hearts for Home - 30th August

 In today’s busy and aggressive society mothers at home are not given much encouragement to be committed to their role in being home.

In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.

I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.

I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.

May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.

So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.

If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
May God Bless you this week.

♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥

Enjoying our lives on the 30th August by doing ♥ ♥

Hello Dear Friends,

1. Work on getting the pattern cut out tonight for  Autumn's, Deb Dress and work on a sample bodice first.

2. Our little Arwen is talking in complete complex sentences as well as understanding difficult concepts.This is a little reminder for me on how quickly our babies grow up and how fleeting the time is. So I am endeavouring to nurture these precious time periods with the children.

3. Well last week I wanted to sew the TWO Gnomes I  knitted from my recent  Yarn Along's . I didn't actually sew them up but knitted another one to add to my collection of 'almost gnomes'. I want to start some knitted dishcloths as these are simple knitting that I can pick up to relieve me form the more complicated sewing I will be doing. And I will sew up those cute little gnomes

4. Continue to encourage out children to play outside in the beautiful almost  Spring days by going out side with them for lessons as well as crafting while watching them play.

5. To continue to say "YES" when asked to read picture books to our little ones, EVEN when I am doing other things. I have found that the younger children seem more contented when I do this and they are less inclined to ask for a DVD.

6. As I go about my home and with my loved ones I will continue to pray for all those who enter my thoughts from near and far, in fact this being mindful of God's promptings in my life has lead to a more gentle and peaceful heart I believe.

Praying you all find peace and joy in your own homes this week,


Another peek at some of the goods I will be offering for sale at the one and only...


Who doesn't love a fabulous shaving mirror?

I'm bringing a collection of them! Yours for the taking at MARBURGER FARMS ANTIQUE SHOW~TENT H BOOTH 15!



Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Tasha Tudor Day

Just a reminder to you all that today is also the celebration of Tasha Tudor Day.
There are many things in my life that I love that I think have been influenced by the books and life style of Tasha Tudor.

Clarice and Suzanne  have both been instrumental in hosting this day each year. They have some lovely ideas to share with all who are interested, so drop in on their cottages for a glimpse of the memories and ideas they share.

We will be celebrating our day this coming week so we will then share our day then.

For now though I would just like to list some of the inspirational ideas that come to mind when I think of Tasha Tudor:
beautiful and functional cooking bowls
blue willow
tea cups
tea time
beautiful art work
joy in the everyday
simplicity of lifestyle
fireside activities
crafts of many kinds
openness to learning new skills
Drawn from New England: Tasha Tudor, a Portrait in Words and Pictures

This was the first book I had to become more familiar with Tasha and her lifestyle. From the first page I was an ardent admirer of not only the lady herself but drawn to the qualities of this type of rural, home and hearth lifestyle.

I have been thankful for many instances in my life where I have stumbled across a person or book or idea that helped to make me who I am today. I do believe that Tasha Tudor in this way has helped me to be more the person I always wanted to be by giving example in her lifestyle that I could emulate.

These are some past posts on Tasha Tudor I have shared

Blessings to you and your homes,

Happy Birthday Kynan

To our dear son Kynan,
This day today when we should be celebrating your birthday together finds you hundreds of kilometers from home.
This life is how it has been for most of this year as you pursue your dreams and ambitions.
The ones that don't involve the rest of us here at home. And yet how much a part of the home circle you still are.
We talk to you daily and feel such a part of your life even though we see  you in the flesh rarely now, and only when you are able to come home to us.

Our lives as parents and the start of a magnificent journey all started when we welcomed you into our lives 22 years ago.

How much joy you bring to our lives as we have watched you grow and mature to a young man full of life and love, especially to your family.

The mafia has nothing on us when it comes to backing each other up. Beware the one who offends or upsets one of your beloved.

So enjoy this day my son, and have a safe trip to New Zealand and we can't wait to see you home for the holidays
 All our love always,
Dad, Mum and your favourite fan club

Saturday, August 27, 2011

10 minute Fairy Wings (Tutorial)

Our resident Fairy in the woods
 Yesterday I FINALLY made the fairy wings I have been wanting to make for our smaller children.
As you may know imaginative play is a big part of our children's lives and of course having wings to be a fairy, pixie, butterfly or other fantastical creature is a must in any child's dress up box.

We have had various bought ones over the years that are made from a wire frame that inevitably get bent out of shape and don't sit right for the children to imagine with properly, unless of course you are in the fairy hospital having your broken wing mended.

So I thought I would make these organza and ribbon wings. Now of course they don't have to be only for fairies, but they can be for your charming butterfly or pixie as they need arises.

Anyway our children have loved them and waited up late last night to actually try them on, well Myffy and Corbyn as Moran and Arwen were asleep by then.

Below is the tutorial for making these wings. It really will only take 10 mins once you have your supplies ready. But only if your over locker and sewing machine LOVE you, as mine don't!
 First off I made up a paper pattern to the size and shape I wanted. The dimensions are on the pattern if you just enlarge it to see them. Of course you can use any other sizes you like as well.
You will nee about 1/2 meter of the organza of your choice and  approx 2m of ribbon of the colour and width of your choice as well. We have pale blue for Corbyn, white for Arwen, pale pink for Myffwyn and pale purple for Moran
Fold the organza over so you have a a fold line and place pattern on  top along the folded side. Cut out so it is one piece when finished.
Simply over lock around the edges
Cut your ribbon so you have one long length of  about 160cm and two shorter lengths of 20 cm each.
Join the smaller lenghts together to form a loop. I then over locked these.
Pin then sew the shorter loops to the top edges of the wing shape and then tie a knot when completed.
The longer one is sewn on the middle of the top edge with the folded part being sewn on so the lengths can be tied around the body.
Not a very good photo but at the bottom center of the wings I put in a gathering stitch to roushed up the bottom to make the shape more.
Finished gathering at the bottom
Completed fairy wings
All four together.
To put on fairy child. The hands go through the loops either to hold or up the arm.
The ribbon comes across the body criss crossed then around the back to be tired there or back around the front to tie up.

These are my own design and I would love to see you enjoy these with your fairy or insect lovers. Please do remember if you use them for any other use.

I hope these instructions are easy to follow for you butif not I would be happy to give more instructions, just leave a comment or e-mail me.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Autumn's Debutante Ball Dress

As Autumn is attending her Debutante Ball in October I needed to get started on her dress for this event.
Last weekend Autumn, Trahaearn and I went to Spotlight looking for a pattern and fabric for the dress.

After much searching through pattern books, it is extremely hard to find a beautiful  and modest pattern we finally  found this pattern.
Autumn will have the short sleeve dress and the fabric is shantung, with a satin lining with lace over the bodice.

I can see I will need to take it slowly and carefully. This is all new ground for me so patience with myself and our family while attempting this is a must.

so if you can spare a few prayers they would be much appreciated.
Oh yes, and what we didn't know about the pattern we selected until a friend on Facebook commented on the picture I showed there was that it is very like Princess Grace's Wedding gown. Of course when Autumn heard that she was thrilled as she loves Princess Grace.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What has been Happening Here............

Dreaming of Spring picture by Autumn
Dear Friends,
Well I have many interesting thoughts and ideas I have been wanting to write about but frankly my time has not been easy to manage. Even with Trahaearn being better with his Reflux he still is a high heeds baby.
And I find that from in between doing lessons with the children and our family life activities I find myself stretched still, not being able to accumplish all that  I would like.
So for today here are some images of everyday life in our family and the things the children do.
A little Red Riding cape made from a scrap of skirt fabric  for Arwen
Eden carved a man from a cauliflower stalk
The girls are learning to plait from three rags I tore up and taped to the banisters
Arwen is helping wiht the cooking squashing the egg shells all over for me to clean up
I moved all my crafting baskets from the op of this small unit to create a space for the little ones to  have free play with some of their must loved toys.
This one was played with for quite a while without changing the  elements
Sandcastle play
Masks for bedtime are a must of course. These are the ones we made earlier for Carnival
Myffwyn brings some beautiful Spring flowers....The Wattle is blooming everywhere
Dancing with Hoola Hoops and Pull Ups on your head is a popular activity
Moran painted this piece of wood for her special climbing tree
We enjoyed some fresh caught Blue Fin Tuna and chips recently.
Baby Trahaearn is growing...well slowly he now weighs 5kg we think
Tea Parties and dressing up are an almost everyday occurrence.
Once again dressing up for a walk ourside
Eden reading while  watching a sleeping baby, not a bad life is it?
Rogan with all the essentials: His checked sewing kit, the red bag has books and the suitcase has his money and patches for a quilt he is planning
A gnome is cooking in the butterfly room
The play scape has changed again
 The Sylvanian families in the dolls house. Notice the rope for them to climb up to the top floor.
 Again different elements on the play table. This really was a great area to change for the children. They are using it all the time now and being able to create many different imaginative play ideas.
 Lots of cuddles for everyone. This time Arwen and Trahaearn.
Playing shop outside. I think this game went on for about three days.

So as for other activities- we have been knitting, reading and planning a special dress for Autumn all of which I hope over time I can share on this space with you. Oh and I have a lovely e-book review to share with you too, so stay tuned.

Blessings to you and your homes,