Thursday, May 31, 2012

Needle and Thread - Flannel Nightie

I have wanted to join in Needle n Thread for many weeks now but just wasn't organised.
so this is my first attempt at sharing my recent sewing.

As winter approaches (actually the first day greats us in the morning here) our younger girls were in need of some new winter nightwear. Quite a few years ago, in fact when Autumn and Eden were 5 and 3 I made them winter plaid nighties, my first attempt at them.

However as it grew colder Vellvin kept saying to me 'Lets make the nighties and winter skirts for the little girls." So I sorted through my patterns and finally decided on this Simplicity 9942 that I have had in anticipation of making new nighties. I did not do the large ruffle around the bottom as it requires so much more fabric.
We had some red flannel left over from last year and so we began to cut and stitch.
While I was sewing this on for Moran and another for Myffwyn, which I am nearly finished Vellvin was making some cord winter skirts for the three younger girls.
We actually did not have enough red flannel for Vellvin and Arwen as well and so we purchased some pink with a pattern on it for them. This will be my next task to make them!
As for reading I have been reading a lot of books on my Kindle. The latest is a going back in time  Daughter of Time  (first in a series) by Sarah Woodbury. This one is going back to Wales in the thirteenth century.

This has been a real  eye opener and I recommend it for anyone who has had a child with one of these labels or even 'Developmental Delay.'
It talks about retraining the brain to overcome these issues and gives the exercises to do this at home. 
From my research it is very similar if not identical to the Arrowsmith School practices which I cannot find any 'at home programme' for.

Well I will be off to check out the other great sewing and reading links at Elizabeth's blog this week. Hope to see you there.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trahaearn's Birthday in Collage

The day had come.
Our baby has had his first birthday.

This is always a big step for me as a mama.
The baby is slowly becoming ......well, not a baby but a small child with his own little idiosyncrasies.

I just don't know what has happened to this year. Already we are well into our birthday seasons and how on earth did it get to be our little dumpling's birthday already.

Really a first birthday is for the family I think. We enjoy getting little gifts, making the baby special things (I admit Trahaearn's are still in the making stage) and planning all the special food and plans for him.
The baby just has to turn up and be cute.

I mean how hard can that be right.

Traditionally we give a 'Bunnykins' set for the first birthday as the main present. This year I was lucky enough to find three different and new patterns for Trahaearn's set. After all these years we have had 2 bowls with the same pattern on them so I was pleased  to find these new ones.

As the twelfth baby in a family really does not need many toys we got him a couple of his own books, it is never too early to buy books for a child,  a dump truck to push, cause you know all our boys have loved machinery.
What else can you get a baby but clothes and as he is number 6 in the line of boys a lot of our hand me downs have been worn to death. So new clothes for a birthday present. Of course he is too young to protest  'how boring is that'.

Birthday food:
Breakfast~ Bacon and Eggs
Lunch ~ party bags for others and porridge for Trahaearn.
Dinner ~ Great meatball and sauce recipe that Autumn made up (posting recipe soon) with soaked rice (from Nourishing Traditions)
Birthday Cake~ a turtle with broken up freckles for the shell. Oh so very simple and so very cute

I was so pleased that we were able to celebrate this special day with our special little man.

 Blessings to you and your homes,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Heidelberg Hotel

I just stumbled across this gorgeous boutique hotel Heidelberg and thought I would share it with you, definately on my bucket list of places to stay!

Moran's Birthday in Collage

Moran's birthday was a special one for her, as it seems for all our children and I am so thankful that they have such a specialness for each child. That for this day it is all about how much we love them and are thankful to have them in our lives.

She had been counting down for a few weeks and then due to circumstances we had to put it back a few days.
One of the most wonderful things about Moran this year is her ability to now be able to deal with this, if you give her enough time (no last minute telling) and a reason why. As little as last year this would have been to much for her to be able to deal with.

Moran wanted to have a Maypole party with dancing and picnicking around the maypole. Sadly this wasn't to be as it absolutely poured down with rain on her birthday. So we had to put up the Maypole the next day.
Needless  to say she was 'hanging out ' for this to happen but as is her nature once it was up and she had 'done the maypole thing' she very quickly lost interest.

Moran has a huge music love and has been borrowing her siblings MP3 players for a couple of years now, as well as our family I-pod. If you can't find yours - simply find Moran and ask her if she knows where it is.
So for this her 10th birthday we finally got her her own to have. Now it is up to Saxon to add all the music (she is allowed to listen too) and the audio stories we have that she can listen too as well.

It was also interesting that Moran when making her birthday list was most insistent that she did not want toys 'as they just break.' The other most important items were a crochet hook and wool as well as big girl books that she could read.

For  birthday food she wanted:
Breakfast- buckwheat pancakes with whipped cream and peaches (my favourite)
Lunch- egg and bacon grain free muffins ( this didn't happen as we reverted back to a small party bag which is generally eaten at lunch time)
Dinner - Pizza made with a gluten free base (packet mix) I was going to do a yogurt soaked base but did not start this early enough. The toppings for this were bacon, ham, salami, anchovies, prawns, pineapple, olives, dried tomato, feta cheese and mozzarella.
Birthday Cake- Sweet Shop. This has been a tradition for all our older girls so  far with Autumn, Eden and Vellvin having had it before.

All in all it was a very busy day with a very busy one to follow as Trahaearn's 1st birthday was the very next day.
Our first ever back to back birthdays! I can see this a challenge in the years to come.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Monday, May 28, 2012

Making a Maypole and how we celebrate...tutorial

May Day came and went so quickly for us and by the time I got the new ribbons for our Maypole it was pouring rain, even though we had a 5 meter high pole that Saxon had cut down for us.
So we were unable to celebrate with the usual singing and dancing around the Maypole.

So for Moran's birthday she wanted to have a Maypole and we made this one from scratch.
Here is how we made it!

* A pole of your choice, we cut down a tree from our block, but in the past we have used a very long piece of timber, a tall tomato stake (our first maypole was this as our children were all small then) or you could use a plastic pipe of some sort.
* A hole to put the pole in and a strong lad to dig it, or a lass if you prefer.
* Ribbon to length. Our pole length was 3 meters above ground with a half meter buried . So our ribbon was meters long, they could have been longer but this was more than adequate
The colour and how many depends on personal choice. Our Maypole has 10 ribbons of various colours, but 10 because that is how many children we have at home at the moment. You can add or take off the ribbons at will.
* metal U shape fence staples Here is an image link These are to tie the ribbon they can be taken off when not in use
* hammer, shovel and perhaps a sledge hammer
* flowers to decorate the top. We used silk ones as it is Autumn season here and not many flowers in our garden.
* participants
First off lay your pole across two 'ponies' as we call them, builders saw horses to steady the pole while you work on it. You may want to dig your hole now and check you have enough depth, for safety reasons, prior to completing your Maypole.
The next thing to do is to hammer in your U shape staples around the top of the pole about 10-15 cm from the top. You can measure accurately if you like but I just 'eye-balled them in'
Take your flowers and place them in and around the U shapes, with blossom part upward, holding them steady with one or two further down the pole if needed.
You can see from this view that the flowers are amongst the U shapes and  yet still see the U shapes for tying on the ribbon.
Ribbon waiting to be tied on to the pole.
The ribbon is simply tied on with a knot that can be taken off as desired. You could add more than one colour from each U shape but we did not
All ready to be placed in the pre dug hole
I just love the way it looks with the flowers and ribbons on top.
Ready for our children to use
All about to start.
Ribbon wrapping around the pole
Children running and leaping and praising God. We really have never learned any of the complicated dances but simple skipping and running while singing this song~
Fairy Branch Song:
Here's a branch of snowy May!
A branch the Fairies gave me!
Who would like to dance today
With the branch the fairies gave me?
Dance away dance away
Holding high the branch of May!
Dance away dance away
Holding high the branch of May! 

Here is a pattern to follow if you are more adventurous 
I hope you have enjoyed this small tutorial on making a Maypole. Really a simple and sweet tradition to share with your own children or others as well.
For more ideas to celebrate Mayday and Maypoles look Here and a painting from last year by our talented Eden
Eden's Mayday Girl (original work)
Blessings to you and your homes,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dream Space

I simply and utterly love this space, simple yet beautiful x

Pentecost...... Happy Birthday to the Church

The Feast of Pentecost!!
Wind, fire and speech being the main theme of today.

'The Vigil of Pentecost is traditionally a day of fasting. This requirement has been done away with in the most recent Code of Canon Law, but many traditional Catholics fast anyway. The Feast itself -- a day also known as "Whitsunday" -- is considered a sort of "birthday" for the Church and marks the beginning of the week known as Whitsuntide. Vestments on Whitsunday are red, but the name "Whitsunday" comes from "White Sunday" because, at one time, those who entered the Church at Easter would once again wear their white robes today.

Pentecost is the second greatest Feast of the liturgical year -- the first being Easter -- and takes place 50 days (7 weeks) after Easter (the earliest possible date for this Feast is 10 May). This day celebrates the coming of the Holy Ghost upon the disciples and Our Lady and, in a sense, the reversal of the story of the Tower of Babel in that the the Apostles were given the gift of tongues by which they could preach and be understood by anyone in any language -- a demonstration of the Church's true catholicity.' From Fisheaters

As the month of May for us has had us hopping form one activity to another with both Moran and Trahaearn's back to back birthdays being the latest over the last few days, I was just so not ready to celebrate this most important day with much enthusiasm at all.
In fact I was exhausted by the thought of putting together another day of food and activities. If you look at our past experiences (this is a fairly typical day for us) you may see why it just wasn't on the agenda for me this year. Even the thought of some of the other activities from our plans just seemed way to much for me to imagine putting into practice.
In fact the only thing that made it for us today was BALLOONS. Yes balloons so simple and yet so capable of showing visually the wind and how the Holy Spirit could come down on those present.
The children did not even ask about the things we usually do to celebrate Pentecost and this has my thought racing with ideas and the celebration of feast days in general.
Our children, especially the little ones had the best time throwing, running after and of course popping them. Although poor little Arwen kept bursting into tears when ever hers popped on the spiky grass.
I was so thankful we had a balloon pump to blow up all the ones we played with as there were quite a lot.
It was enough to get them thinking on why this day was so important and Myffy was  the one who put it so succinctly when I asked her what today saying 'It is the Spirit day'. I think she gets it, which is part of the point of these celebrations in our home.
However Myffwyn was so keen on the idea of the balloons she made a 'kite' as she called it out of the balloons. She spent ages blowing them up the hard way- by mouth- and then tied them all together on  strings to be flown along after her as she ran along.
Of course it did not take her long to work out it could be just as fun to tie them to her bike and ride along with them too.
Some symbolism of this day~ doves, the liturgical color red representing the Holy Ghost, the color white representing the white robes of the Catechumens, red Columbineand/or white flowers, lots of greenery to symbolize life (the color green represents hope and life and, in Eastern Churches, the Holy Ghost), fire, the number three representing the Theological Virtues given to us by the Holy Ghost, the number seven representing the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, the number 12 representing the Fruits of the Holy Ghost, etc., -- all of these symbols could be incorporated into the day. The columbine flower (see right) has been used to decorate on Pentecost and its octave. The petals of the flowers are dove-shaped, whence comes its name -- after "columba," the Latin word for "dove." 

In medieval times, families in many parts of Europe would suspend a carved and painted wooden dove over their dining table. Such a custom could be easily revived for the throughout the Octave of the Pentecost -- and imagine that dining room table covered with a white tablecloth, sprinkled with red rose petals, and with a vase of columbine at its center.

This beautiful Hymn is so full of the symbolism of today~
 Come, Holy Spirit, come

Come, Holy Spirit, come!
And from Thy celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!

Come Father of the poor!
Come source of all our store!
Come within our bosoms shine!

Thou, of comforters the best;
Thou, the soul's most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;

In our labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat,
Solace in the midst of woe.

O most blessed Light divine
Shine within these hearts of Thine.
And our inmost being fill!

Where you are not, man has naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.

Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour Thy dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away:

Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.

On the faithful who adore
And confess you, evermore
In your sev'nfold gift descend;

Give them virtue's sure reward;
Give them Thy salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
Amen. Alleluia   

The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit~
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord

The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit~
Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Modesty, Self Control and Chastity.

 May the beauty and grace of the Holy Spirit fill you today and always!

Joining in the Link up at Catholic Cuisine

Blessings to you and your homes,


Sometimes you just fall upon a great story, who would think this gorgeous cottage in New York was made entirely of an old boat, want to see more then visit here....

Friday, May 25, 2012


So here I am, finally posting! Guess you've noticed that I am posting less these days...

You can blame Facebook for that...

I confess, I spend my time and energy promoting my biz page there...


I have never been busier. Since we got back from Texas it's been non~stop, seriously...

So what has changed?

Well, I found that I bit off more than I could chew considering two booths at Adjectives.

So, I have smooshed everything into one and added two killer antique doors as a divider between my booth and the one I gave up.

I've got another huge project in the works and hope to be able to let you in on it very soon...

Until then, stay creative....

Happy 1st Birthday Trahaearn ♥

A year ago we were so anxiously awaiting your arrival.
How we were excited about the day of your birth.
We had been ready for some time and yet still it was two weeks after your due date before you were in our arms.
The wait was worth it though.
Since your arrival you have been a complete gift to treasure.

The smiles you give to us each day.
The way you hold out your arms to each of us to pick you up because you want us to hold you.
The great big kisses you give and the way you snuggle into our faces so we can give you kisses, over and over and then you smile and giggle.

Happy Birthday to a little boy who is so precious to us.
Life would not be the same without your generous and happy nature to share it with.

I look forward to seeing what the year ahead bring to us with you and how you continue to grow.

All our love always ,