Monday, February 28, 2011

Love is a beautiful thing..

Yesterday in many ways was a day filled with disappointments but also the chance to change the way the day could have gone. It was a day when I questioned my mothering ability and my lack of understanding and compassion for our sweet children that are in need of love and care.

I find that our circumstances over the last few months have allowed the little children to get int o the habit of not wanting to do their assigsned seat work that I require of them as I teach them their Alphabet Path. They are happy to do the crafts and other interesting activities but the learning part is not as exciting.
As part of my dedication this year to really have some progress for both girls and especially for Moran, I devised a plan to do most of the actual seat work for the letters on Monday each week.

Of course I KNOW really that it takes time for new habits to establish and I really DO KNOW that I have to allow the time for this to happen. But in the reality of the day I did not allow for this to happen yesterday. I also know that poor little Moran will reach a point of 'overload' and that this will lead to a huge 'meltdown', but I was so intent on sticking to the schedule of what we HAD to do on Monday that I did not allow for my sweet little ones ACTUAL emotions and feelings.

Well by the time Myffwyn had complained about how much she 'hates school work' and just did as little as possible. Moran had hurried through her assigned pages and not done them to her best ability. Well I  was disappointed with Moran's colouring pages as she really does enjoy this activity a lot and always wants more colouring to do. So I told her she would have to redo them (while Myffy was still fussing over her work) but I would help her with her letters.

As soon as I said it I realised that this was entirely wrong. However by this stage also Moran was past the period of being able to cope with it. I immediately said lets take a break and go out side but she was not able to adjust.

Our poor little darling just kept crying and repeating over and over that she didn't want a break and that she didn't know what I wanted her to do.

At this point I sent her to her room to try and get her to settle down.... not a happening thing. So I went up with her, while she was screaming still.

I laid down on her bed with her wrapped her up in a giant Mummy cuddle, which she returned, and then we spent a good deal of time snuggling and cuddling, Oh, and napping too.

When she was ready to get up we got up together had lunch and spent the afternoon doing our regular routine.

BUT the way Moran responded to what I had to say was so different. She was so sweet and caring, and told me she wanted to do her work tomorrow really well.
I really cant explain her change in attitude, not from anything I said or did to change her, but from me taking the time to cuddle and just BE with her.

How I know I undervalue this with the children. I know it makes a difference but the time to actually do this is sometimes not ever quite available.

I am reminded of this great quote that I try to remember  in stressful times "When your child seems to deserve affection least, that's when they need it most"
I try to remember to be available to our children when  they are having a meltdown.
I also know that having these 'special needs children' have re focused my parenting ideas to a more gentle and compassionate way of life.

I have been considering  a post as well, I am part way through writing one on how having even 'mildly special needs children' changes me as a parent, and how I mother these special gifts.

So my sharing of how I responded to our children's obvious genuine need to be given time to adjust to a new routine, as we all need when we start something new. Is not to show how badly it was handled but to show my belief that conquers all and that love shared is love returned.

Blessings to you and your homes,

Hearts for Home- Ist March ♥

In today’s busy and aggressive society mothers at home are not given much encouragement to be committed to their role in being home.

In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.

I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.

I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.

May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.

So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.

If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
God Bless you this week.

♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥

My list for the 1st March  is ♥ ♥

Even though some of my goals are similar to last week , I think my focus needs a little adjusting so:

1. Write  letters to my lovely pen friends. I finally found some pretty paper to use, who would think this would be so hard to find. I guess that is because people don't write any more. I really enjoy this but need to allow time to fit it in.
I am very embarrassed not to have completed this but hopefully this week will do it.

2. Finish up my Wooden Folk Exchange this week

3. Start Anna-Lisa's Birthday bag so I have it ready for her birthday next week.

4. Seriously, I need to start planning our goals and ideas for Lent. Although some things we will do the same I am always looking for ideas to add to our spiritual journey.

5. Enjoy the gift of family. Looking for the special needs each person has and try to be more willing to adapt to these needs. In all areas- crafting, talking, helping with problems and our little ones too

6. Be thankful for the blessings I have each day: A loving husband, special children, a new baby due, good food, shelter, having the blessing of Homeschooling and harmony within the home.
Thank you God!

Blessings to you and your homes,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baking Day! The Best Carrot Cake Recipe...

I hate washing up so I start off by weighing out 12 oz sugar and putting it a bowl with half a pint of sunflower oil. Then you add 3 large eggs - I have big and little eggs as I keep bantams so I used four (two big and two small) to make it up.

Then weigh out your 6 oz of plain flour. (I have just experimented and tried to make a gluten free version - I'll let you know how it turns out!)

Add a pinch of salt and three quarters of a teaspoon of both bicarbonate of soda and baking powder.

Beat the eggs into the oil and sugar mixture.

Sift in the dry ingredients.

Then add the carrots - you need 8 oz so I usually weigh whole carrots (less messy!) and allow a bit for peeling and then grate them straight into the mixture.

Pour into a 9"/10" cake tin (doesn't matter really!) and bake at 180 degrees C or 160 degrees if you have a fan oven.

It should take about 45 minutes but check after 40 and it may need longer, test with a skewer - if it comes out clean it's done!

Now for the frosting - yum!
Beat together 6 oz of cream cheese and 6 oz of butter with 8 oz of icing sugar and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. This makes a lot of icing so I frequently cut the quantities down but keep the proportions the same.

Fork it on as you please! Serve on a cakestand for preference or in this case (as it was a travelling cake) a vintage plate.

Here's the one for the children's party a triumphant cake made by my sister-in-law Caroline and eaten by princesses and princes...

Happy baking, Nic x

It works with a 50/50 mix of ground rice and ground almonds in place of the flour making it gluten free - yippee! It has been devoured during Sew&Crow last night and during a crafty catchup with Jane Southgate this morning...

Hand Painted Birthday Saints

St Philomena- for Eden
At the moment I am in the middle of painting my figures for the Wooden Folk Exchange. 
This reminded me I had never done a complete post on the birthday saints I have made through out the year for our family.

I have mentioned before how much I love this craft and really that is good because have no real artistic ability at all.
I usually print out the image of the saint, or it could be any other person and use this as a guide to the colours and objects I want to feature. Sometimes this is hard and they do not turn out exactly how I want them to.

I am really enjoying painting my figures for the exchange and writing the story for them as well.
I have other plans for painting, that I am most keen to start as well,  and  I really do recommend this craft for even the most craft challenged or art challenged like me. It is quite addictive!!

So here are our saints so far since April 2010
Our Lady of Lourdes
St Leo the Great - Corbyn
Our Lady of Altagracia
St Rose of Cascia- this is for me for my Patron Saint of the year.
St Joseph Yuen- for Rogan
St Dymphna- for Moran
St Stephen- for Stephen
St Ermangilde- for Myffwyn
St Brigid of Ireland- for Autumn
Padre Pio- for Kynan
St John Vianney- for Saxon
Mother Teresa- for Vellvin
St Gerard Majella- for Braedon
St Elizabeth of Hungary- for Arwen this year.

For those of you who have never seen the ones I made for our Alphabet Path here they are as well.
Here is our complete listing of the Alphabet of Saints to use along with our Alphabet Path studies,
I used An Alphabet of Catholic Saints as a guide along with Jessica's and Blair's already painted Saints.
A is for St Agnes
B is for St Bernadette
C is for St Cecilia
D is for St Dominic
E is for St Elizabeth Ann Seton
F is for St Francis
G is for St George
H is for St Helen
I is for St Ignatius
J is for St Joseph
K is for St Kateri Tekawitha
L is for St Lucia
M is for St Martin de Porres
N is for St Nicholas
O is for St Odilia
P is for St Patrick
Q is for Queen of Heaven (Mary)
R is for St Rose
S is for St Sharbel
T is for St Therese
U is for St Ursula
Vis for St Vincent de Paul
W is for St Wenceslas
X is for St Francis Xavier
Y is for St Joseph Yuen
Z is for St Zita

The whole Alphabet of Saints
Back views of Saints
More back views of some Saints
Some side views of the Saints
Opposite side view

Blessings to you and your homes,